&^%$#@! Employees

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TreeInnovator......Better watch out. Some guy with a pony tail and prison tattoos will be calling you a classless punk too.
Well, it's a bit of a mix in here, employers, employees, older and younger and some in the middle.

I think when it costs the employers more than wages you tend to get tough. when jobs have to be rebooked and sometimes lost coz some-one let you down ... you get pretty pissed off with it.

In a small outfit, 3 to say 5 man crew and business it affects things a lot if say the climber or truck/chipper driver doesn't show up. many employers then get smart and try to get people who can climb and have a truck licence etc ... multi-skilled and tasked people, and pay more for them.

It's like insurance. So for the good guys get your tickets and skills up and you'll get more money ... and your opportunity will come. But never forget, this is the tree business and there is always going to be same hard yakka.
HEy buff...

Hey man, for someone so contented with his education, finances and station in life you sure seem pretty ?????ing miserable to me. I have raised, in my opinion, some very good points here, which would seemingly thin the lines between us and them. All you can do is dog out everyone on here with your self-righteousness and guile. I don't understand why you haven't addressed me personally. Intimidated? Outclassed? You seem only interested in how you can feel better about yourself by pissing on ANYONE else. I feel sorry for you man.
For someone with an education, you sure have a narrow focus.
A narrow focus?......Yes, I am guilty of that. When I was younger I focused only on my studies and staying out of trouble. Later I only focused on my work while paying off my farm and all other debt. Now I mainly focus on enjoying life. Like I said before, I am just not as unhappy with life as so many others here. Anyway, what kinds of things do you focus on?
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buff said:
B1rdman......I never took drugs. I graduated from college and have lived debt free on my farm for the past 15 years. I keep more cash in my sock drawer than you make in a year and I drive a Corvette. In addition to my income from investments and rentals, my wife makes $80,000 annually. What have you been doing with your life? Are you caught up on your child support? Was that too classless to ask? About this being a good site...There are too many cry babies like you here.

Yes, it is quite classless to ask the child support question.

I graduated from college too..three times. I paid for all of my degrees by myself.

EDIT: I did drugs in college.

You must have a big sock drawer...but good for you.

Married, two kids, no child support.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Did you have a point or are you going to continue to insult people bases information that you clearly pull our of your arse?
buff said:
Here are a couple more sore heads who did not get any education because their mama would not pay for it. Hey, that woman you guys are living with that works part time at Walmart...you need to let it go and spend more time and money on your children. Get caught up on your child support.
b1rdman said:
Yes, it is quite classless to ask the child support question.

I graduated from college too..three times. I paid for all of my degrees by myself.

EDIT: I did drugs in college.

You must have a big sock drawer...but good for you.

Married, two kids, no child support.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Did you have a point or are you going to continue to insult people bases information that you clearly pull our of your arse?

you got 3 degrees...do you have 3 jobs in addition to tree work???
Just don't care.

Thats it, I think that most workers and alot of people in the world now a days just don't care. I Have found that women on average make the best employees. I have had five of them and paid them all at least ten and hour and more and one up to fifteen.Then one I paid fifteen to could run my chipper, stump grinder, my skid steer and back a trailer up better than most guys, and she was very easy on the eyes, oh I almost forgot her age she was seventeen when she started working for me and move to Florida when she turned nineteen. I feel that women in general have that caring and nurturing affect given to them at birth. Which makes them better workers and they give a ****. Some of the girls can't drag the biggest piles of brush, or lift the largest pieces of wood, BUT there consistent, don't complain much if at all, are always on time, and give a 100% and care about what there doing. I find them easier to communicate with, especially directions. Now I won't hire any woman to work for me, trust me there are alot of them that are too worried about there hair and there nails and make up. Them I can do with out So not all woman are great workers but the % that I have hired were good. I now have a twenty year old working for me, I asked him the other day to get me a wedge out of my tool box and bring it to me. I showed him a smaller yellow wedge I had, but needed my big ORANGE wedge. The air head brought back a yellow plastic tire chock.:jawdrop: How dumb can you be. I showed him the design and the color, WOW. Its the little things all the time that drive me nuts.:dizzy: This a guy now that is working for me. He is like this all the time, some days hes in the game the next in Disney world. I could pay this guy twenty dollars an hour, hes still gonna suck. I don't feel the more you pay the better they work, you have to show me that you want it, it's not owed to you, some people got it and some don't. I tell them out front, I need you in the game mentally and physically and I will pay accordingly. The more you give , the more I give. I have nothing against paying good money for a good employee. All in all I feel in general that most people just don't care any more, about any thing. Its just plain hard to find that perfect employee. Or even some one close to it.
buff said:
B1rdman......I never took drugs. I graduated from college and have lived debt free on my farm for the past 15 years. I keep more cash in my sock drawer than you make in a year and I drive a Corvette. In addition to my income from investments and rentals, my wife makes $80,000 annually. What have you been doing with your life? Are you caught up on your child support? Was that too classless to ask? About this being a good site...There are too many cry babies like you here.
Are you looking for validation? I'm unsure whether you're simply putting my generation down or just trying to receive accolades for yourself. And, by the way, there is no legitimate reason for keeping large amounts of cash in a sock drawer. I've yet to meet an honest man who does.
spacemule said:
And, by the way, there is no legitimate reason for keeping large amounts of cash in a sock drawer. I've yet to meet an honest man who does.

Very true. I do it so the government can't find it. And buff what does any of your posts have to do with the topic at hand. Mpthing that I can see. So you are an arrogant f&ck. So you drive a corvete....oh yeah remember that VW commerical. He is compensating for his short comings. If you cannot contribute to the topic take your crap else where.

Also another point for the lazy 20 somethings. It also has much to do with the way those kids where raised. Now a days you have to worry about DYFS and all the legal crap to punish your kids. They don't understand responisiblity. But this generalization isn't for all but is a reason for some.
What I would like to see is how many of the hard workers here where raised on the hand and foot punishment style? I know I was and if I didn't work hard enough, do something right, or put things back I got a crack to make sure I would next time.
spacemule said:
And, by the way, there is no legitimate reason for keeping large amounts of cash in a sock drawer. I've yet to meet an honest man who does.
Space, like I said earlier, Buff is dealing drugs, probably to kids, thats why the sock full of green, all fives and tens. Dealing drugs is not dishonest, stepping on them, using a "buffer" to dilute them is. Thats how he got the name Buff. This is too funny, the guy so asked to be mocked.
Did I mention you appear ignorant when you stamp a stereotype on any large demographic.....how can we even continue a discussion about an ignorant stereotype, I think enough levelheaded successful 20 year olds chimed in here to put this topic to rest.......why cant you guys give this up, its completely ridiculous!!!

Log hog said:
I now have a twenty year old working for me, I asked him the other day to get me a wedge out of my tool box and bring it to me. I showed him a smaller yellow wedge I had, but needed my big ORANGE wedge. The air head brought back a yellow plastic tire chock.:jawdrop:

Hahaha, I can see that happening.

I'm gonna start a new thread called ....

I had a guy once who .... all contributions invited but they have to be true and preferably funny.
Thanks for the positive shout for women, loghog, maybe one reason you have good results (apart from your open attitude!) is that when we work in a male dominated arena we have to WORK to prove that we deserve to be there. There is initially an extra burden of proof that is required, agree or disagree, it's been my experience consistently, mind you society here is quite chauvanistic in the labouring trades.
Women are just like the rest; an equal opportunity to work, respect given WHEN it has been earned, fair treatment and fair reward for your labour. Nuf said.

As for employees, when I worked in hotels doing landscape maintenance, I had 3 staff, shouldn't have been difficult, but I boiled down my introduction to the job to this: 'Turn up on time and do what you are told', if I could get someone to do that consistently (like three weeks running!) then we could move on from there, more training, more allocation of responsibility, encouraging independant thought and initiative.

Respect seems to be such a buzzword, and these days employees (broad generalization sorry) seem to think that respect should be dished out from day one, what ever happened to EARNING it? Equally a boss should portray and create a working environment that fosters respect.

I will now climb down from my soapbox.
Bermie said:
Thanks for the positive shout for women, loghog, maybe one reason you have good results

nah, he was just being nice to her cuz he was trying to score.