standin up
well a lot of guys are willing to stand up for a pat on the back, i might as well stand up and take the heat.
Born in '72, Im about as Gen X as they come. Shaved head, goatee, you know the look.
Mostly, I hang out at my folks house, or at my apartment, but since Kevin broke my Playstation 2, there's not a lot for me to do, and plus, Im in hot water with everyone there cause I havent paid my share of the long distance bill, and the phone's been shut off. I rigged up the cable box and I've been watching some cable, for free, but I wouldn't pay for it 'cause it all sucks anyway.
I got a job working for a tree company 'cause they were one of the few that didnt piss-test you to get hired. Its pretty cool, Darrin hooks us up with weed sometimes, and we got overtime. I like it 'cause not many people will do it, period, but the pays not great and I dont mind taking a day off now and again, like every week.
I snagged a set of spurs once and sold 'em off the truck, but it was fine, the owner shorted me on a paycheck the week before, and an eye for an eye I always say. I steer clear of doin side jobs on the clock, 'cause you will get busted for that, but I've swapped loads of chips for cases of beer or sold chips for twenty bucks.
As far as I can tell, I got hired to cut down trees and feed stuff into the chipper. I dont do anything stupid, like cut metal posts with the saw or feed rocks in the chipper, but I don't turn a wrench either. I'm not a mechanic.
I've always got an eye out for a move up the ladder. If the right job came open, I'd probably go clean for a couple weeks. I'm pretty good with the Latin nomenclature, maybe I'll slip into a bidder/estimator job. I've thought about starting my own company, but it's pretty hard on $10/hr to come up with the license, bond,insurance, not to mention the rolling stock. Hell, just a chipper and truck runs you like $60 Grand. What's the point? Then I'd just be another type "A" hot head with a cell phone and an ulcer and a four wheel drive.
The company sends us to a lot of stuff, seminars, and conferences. The free t-shirts are cool and stuff, and Kenneth won a free rope. It gets pretty rich at those things, though. Guys sportin wood about this rope or that saddle. I'm sure some of those guys wear their Arborwear to the bar to pick up chicks. The seminars are sometimes vaguely interesting, but how many times can you see a guy rig a branch off a cow hitch before it gets old? Then you got all the pretend rock climbers, that's pretty awesome. Approach shoes and enough carabiners to climb lost arrow spire, gettin all huffy on the internet 'cause some guy eight states West of him doesn't want to wear a pair of $90 kevlar German pants...
When I listen to all the guys gettin misty about the love of trees and puttin bumper stickers on their car, or wearing those "Ground Guys with Attitude" shirts, I just can't believe it. I'm here for the check. Nothing more expected, nothing more extended. If it was a different day and age I'd probably be clubbing seals or running one of those giant water guns for a strip mine. Maybe I'll just "slip" off the chipper one day and go on comp. then I can play playstation all day every day.
Anybody got an openings? I hold the speed footlock record for my area....