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b1rdman said:Nope..just one.
well that's pretty typical of the generation in question. they stay in college as log as possible to avoid work.
b1rdman said:Nope..just one.
Treeinnovator said:well that's pretty typical of the generation in question. they stay in college as log as possible to avoid work.
SRT-Tech said:^ yea i dont know where bosses get off on thinking they can just go use your truck.
MY truck, MY insurance, MY insurance rates on the rise if there is an accident or whatever. BOSSES: GET YOUR OWN TRUCKS! just becasue i have a truck DOES'NT mean i want it used by everybody, or have ???? thrown in the back!. OOOOH the 20 bucks gas you threw in is great! that'll help pay for the now damaged transmission that you created by not shifting properly.
TreeChick217 said:.. i make $7.25. i work for one of the lowest paying companies in my area... pleaseeeee tell me how i can get a raise without sounding like i'm saying "give me one or I'm gone" i dont understand? I'm 18 years old, I have bills, a loan payment, I dont live at home... i'm a g i r l..i bust my butt everyday, but i get paid the same, or less than the POS boys that stumble along these jobs. this isnt where i plan to stay forever.. My big goal is to start a landscaping company, but I have things to take care of before i set off in the direction, I am totally committed to the company I work for, but my boss is so hard on me. I've seen guys cry after getting screamed at, and when I do, I simply ask how to correct the problem, move on,and dont complain. Forget about ear plugs to protect my ears from going deaf, i need them for the cry babies i work with, tired of listening to them whine!. help ....
buff said:SRT-TECH......The solution to your problem is a simple one. Tell your boss that your insurance agent advised you that you can no longer use your truck for commercial purposes because you are not insured for it. And tell him when you show up for work. Do not wait until he gets in a bind and ask to use your truck to get out of it. Also, do not allow your boss to use your truck off road for the same reason. If he ask how your insurance agent found out that you use your truck on the job, say that you do not know but the subject came up the last time you talked to him. Everytime you use your personal truck on a job you are opening yourself up to a new level of liability that you are not insured for.
What makes you think I'm mad at you? Tell you what--since you don't seem to be able to comprehend what a question looks like, I'll quote my entire post but leave the only question I asked highlighted.buff said:The question about the cash in a big sock drawer?......$15,000 to $20,000 does not take up as much room as one would think. An empty checkbook box easily take it all in $100 bills. More than that I take to the bank. I actually do not keep money in my sock drawer. It is back in the closet in the gun vault. A person needs to keep some money in real estate, some in stocks and bonds, some in a savings account and some in cash. I could not have survived hurricane Rita without cash. During the aftermath of hurricane Rita the electricity was off for two weeks. After a while, some food stores, building material stores and the like opened up without electricity. And guess what? They all wanted cash. And you would be so surprised to know the number of carpenters, roofers and tree companies that wanted only cash too. Yes, the tree guys responded so well to cash. Although I am certain that they so dutifully reported it all to the IRS. Or do they keep an illegal stash as you report? There are also other people who will only work for cash and some who will only sell their equipment, atv's, golf carts or whatever for cash. Especially, if you have to travel long distances to make the purchase. They do not trust checks from out of town people and they do not have the experience to recognize a good certified check. Anyway, I do not know if this answers all of your questions and I am not sure if I could. You say that you have never known an honest man who kept any cash. Well, I just can not say about the types you know. And, I am sorry if I have some cash and you don't. Do not get mad at me about it. There is nothing I can do about that.
Now, can you tell what my question was? Oops, that's another question. I hope I'm not confusing you.spacemule said:Are you looking for validation? I'm unsure whether you're simply putting my generation down or just trying to receive accolades for yourself. And, by the way, there is no legitimate reason for keeping large amounts of cash in a sock drawer. I've yet to meet an honest man who does.
I'm not trying to find something wrong with you buff--I'm just contemplating the circumstances that cause a person to make such posts as yours. You seem insecure.buff said:I have eight degrees. None of them are about how to cut a tree down. But I like my BA in economics and my Master's in Business the best. I have a nine page transcript with just over 400 hours. Now I just expect that you will get all bent out of shape about that and find something wrong with it.