i don't see why everybody got mad at the idea of calling ohsa on the lanscrapers, hey they"re landscrapers!, you are supposed to aim for em.they are all idiots.
very valid point
i don't see why everybody got mad at the idea of calling ohsa on the lanscrapers, hey they"re landscrapers!, you are supposed to aim for em.they are all idiots.
very valid point
See? Now what is that number?
Once I saw a road crew( private contractors) and they had some kid running a cut off saw through a lane on a bridge, no cones, no flags, no eye, ear or head protection. I actaulyy stopped and got out for that one.
See I respect the hell out of that. You saw a problem and out of your concern for a persons safety (NOT THE CONCERN FOR YOUR WALLET) you stopped and attempted to make a change. Taking a couple of pictures and turning someone in does nothing to prevent an idiot getting hurt today. Maybe in the future but not today, when BCMA drove away chuckling to himself about how stealthy he was, the idiot may have sawed half his head off and died. If you want to try and make a differance make it for the right reason, and do it in a manly fashion.
If he lived thru that little 4" tree on the head bcs of a hh he prob woulda been flattened by a garbage truck on the way home.
Sometimes it is just your day. Everyone has that day.
See? Now what is that number?
Once I saw a road crew( private contractors) and they had some kid running a cut off saw through a lane on a bridge, no cones, no flags, no eye, ear or head protection. I actaulyy stopped and got out for that one. I came round the bend and saw this head in the middle of the road, big ass chop saw screaming and through big time dust, everybody standing round watching the kid cutting.
Once a township raod crew flew by my roadside work site, took out three cones, I grabbed a 20 and jumped in my truck and too off after them.
I subscribe, instead, to the theory that everyone's born with a finite but unknown amount of luck, and when that luck is up it's up.
Doing work safely, and with PPE as a final layer of protection in case of the unexpected, just makes you use up the luck at a slower pace.
Do you drive your car or truck around with a helmet strapped on then?
I have been in the biz a long time and on these forums for a few years. One thing I have found in common with the strongest of PPE proponents that want it all on from leaving home to going to bed is that they have an anal retentiveness that borders on a mental disorder (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I do not see how they accomplish anything during the day paralyzed by fear and anxiety. It even extends to all they view.
Next thing up is strapping little helmets on all our fingers and thumbs.
A guy wearing a hat while doing some serious work looks good and pro, a guy who has the thing on pruning lilacs really just wants someone to put him out of his misery.
Do you drive your car or truck around with a helmet strapped on then?
I have been in the biz a long time and on these forums for a few years. One thing I have found in common with the strongest of PPE proponents that want it all on from leaving home to going to bed is that they have an anal retentiveness that borders on a mental disorder (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I do not see how they accomplish anything during the day paralyzed by fear and anxiety. It even extends to all they view.
Next thing up is strapping little helmets on all our fingers and thumbs.
:agree2:I would like to hear bcma's respond to post #61.
Do you drive your car or truck around with a helmet strapped on then?
I have been in the biz a long time and on these forums for a few years. One thing I have found in common with the strongest of PPE proponents that want it all on from leaving home to going to bed is that they have an anal retentiveness that borders on a mental disorder (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I do not see how they accomplish anything during the day paralyzed by fear and anxiety. It even extends to all they view.
Next thing up is strapping little helmets on all our fingers and thumbs.
If you need some help in how to work in trees, observe current OSHA regulations and be profitable TV I will gladly help. There is one condition I insist upon. You must stop thinking about my anus and what it retains.![]()