Whether you agree with what BCMA did or not, is beside the point. As industries evolve, the culture of safety evolves at great cost, both physically to employees and economically. OSHA rules for logging operations which arboriculture falls under, were developed in response to fatalities or patterns of serious injury. Sure, those two gentlemen may be earning a living, but at what cost? To disregard established safe working practices is short sighted. Their $9 or $10 an hour will do little to offset the average cost of a saw injury. Then where are they? To compare what they are doing to conditions 100 years ago whilst claiming that your forefathers would prefer losing a limb is irrelevant and disingenuous. I cannot pretend to understand what is in another man's heart, but I suspect they would prefer to be intact in order to provide for their families.
OSHA has had some trouble with the Tree Industry. They tried to lump us in with logging operations, but it became clear that we don't quite fit there. As of right now, they are not issuing citations for certain violations. "...Until these discussions have produced further resolution of the compliance issues affecting arborists, citations for violations of 1910.266 shall not be issued to employers in SIC 0783 who are not engaged in logging operations". From http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=INTERPRETATIONS&p_id=25041.
If you are worried about citations, familiarize yourself with their laws and who is capable of issuing citations. Don't act like a victim of government rules that are for the protection of employees. I don't really understand how someone can defend improperly training employees and not providing them with the appropriate PPE to keep them productive. The alternative is simply a poor business decision.
Brent Jenkins
Denver, CO
Your absolutely wrong, this thread isnt about if them guys are wrong with their work practices. Its about weather BCMA was a little tattle tail punk to hide across a parking lot and take picture of them two idiots and turn them in. Then post some pics of his super crew doing stuff that in fact is far more dangerous then what they were doing.
This may not of been the intent of BCMA when he started this POS thread but thats what it has evolved to, so next time try and follow along before you toss your two cents in. From reading your reply your very knowledgeable in the area and most likely formed your opinion before you really read this thread... If you read any of it at all. In my honest opinion BCMA is MORALLY wrong in his actions in the way he handle the situation. If he was so concerned about their practices stop and take 5 minutes to educate these lads, A. about safety and B. about the potential fines for the way they are working. In many countries in the world Government Informants would be killed if caught, so why would someone post that here and think its socially acceptable.