So having a bit more time on this saw I'm quite pleased with how it runs. Clearly it's no 11k screamer, but it's extremely useful - it'll pull in the 10k range in some decently sized and hard wood, and it doesn't bog easily.
That got me thinking about the original configuration, which I do think was set up for exhaust delayed scavenging, and that the higher transfers with lower volume made a good starting point for increasing performance.
But what about that larger combustion chamber? That has me considering combustion chamber size in general. Obviously larger combustion chamber volumes negatively impact compression ratio, but do they also trap a larger volume of fuel/air mix? At the point of ignition, is there more fuel trapped in the chamber to burn with a larger combustion chamber?
Clearly chamber volume can't be zero or way too big, but what is optimal? Last, does a larger chamber help with loop scavenging and preventing loss out the exhaust?