So what was your idea again? What insult? Who didn't give it a second of thought? My origional post here was because I
did give it some thought and as it was loosely put with such a lack of perameters or defining terms (ergo blanket comments) as to give pause. And as it turns out, once things were better understood, others use similar techniques when warranted as explained by several different climbers here, and their experience speaks volumes. Some just don't do it either, to each their own. There is/was nothing really 'new' or innovative brought to the table here as far as I can see. I had a talk with one of my climbing buds yesterday and asked him about his methods and he pretty much repeated what RB said verbatum, as well as expressing concerns about stuff hitting his lines, control, and so forth.
Your origional post seems to be based on your observations of others working methods, not yours from what I understand, so in hindsight it may have been better put as a question rather than some sort of statement ie. 'How many of you do this and when and why?'. I went back through this thread trying to figure out why the defensive snit (beat down? Gah!) but couldn't find much of anything to justify getting ones nose outta joint. I did, though, find some very good posts on what some
do do, and why, from experienced people in the biz who like to stay in one piece and that has added to my own personal knowlege base which, for whatever its worth, is why I hang around here.

