ArboristSite Operative
I actually went brain dead for like 15 minutes after reading the last few pages of this thread. Thanks guys.
And yet driving a front wheel drive car in snow terrifies you? I'll just chalk that up to yet another difference in how things work in your alternate universe.heck, I've won more just on ice than you've seen on any surface.
Hey... have I ever told you guys about my uncle (great uncle actually)??Let's get started on politics...
Let's get started on politics or something that doesn't get people upset with each other all the time.
Well... remember... Iowa is in a different universe than Pennsylvania.I'll just chalk that up to yet another difference in how things work in your alternate universe.
........... some farm boy in a pickup would drive right over ya'... then look at his girl friend and ask, "Hey, did you feel that??"
"Hand me another beer, would ya' babe?? Let's put some Skynyrd in the 8-track... kay??"
A little front wheel drive vehicle with decent tires and a manual transmission... my azz‼
Yeah, maybe if ya' have no friggin' clue how to drive... but if you do know how, the last thing you'd drive is "tiny" front wheel drive piece of crap. I'd run circles around you with the '73 family truckster... period‼
Yeah, I figured you for a late starter - probably explains the fear thing.Most of us learned to drive as soon as we could see over the steering wheel
From a Google search I found for road miles by State: Pennsylvania = 253,838, Iowa = 235,460. We also have these things called curves and hills, which you may be unfamiliar with. They make having 65% of the weight over the non-driven wheels undesirable.Iowa has nearly twice the miles of just unpaved roads than Pennsylvania has total.
Bar hopping? Sounds like a city boy. In the area where I grew up you could drive 40min in one direction and never go through a noticeable town at all. Sad to say that in my youth we all drank and we all drove everywhere too. Generally the party was in the car or next to them.Booze-cruising and bar-hopping during a blizzard is considered sport... which, because most little towns only have one or two bars, means driving from town-to-town.
"I like this song, Baby. Let's go Reap Produce."
Ummmm..... not out here. We have wind here, which means the snow is near always in hard-packed drifts. The same thing that allowed the VW to float like a boat caused it to ride up on the snow like a toboggan... leaving the wheels hanging in mid-air. Those things were death traps if ya' got them stuck out in the boonies 'cause of the air-cooled engine and how the heater worked... basically, you had no heat unless RPMs were up and you were moving. A friend of mine bought a brand spankin' new VW 'round '73 or so. After gettin' it high-centered several times he adopted a new strategy; hit the drifts as fast as possible and "slide" over the top of 'em... the result was upside-down in a creek bed after "sliding" clean over the bridge rails....while you may have confidence in the family truckster, VW bugs were legendary for out-driving it in snow...
Unc, I think the politics would have everyone at each others throats even more. Entertaining thread though! Not as funny as the one though with that goofball smacking that monster round 300 times with his fiskars![]()
That's funny... LOL‼ I wasn't counting city and residential streets, suburban byways, and Interstate highways. Good lord man, how many miles of streets, roads and Interstate is just in the Philadelphia area?? Heck, if you look at it that way (or even remove Philadelphia).... Pennsylvania ain't crap-o-la for roads. Most of Iowa is made up of 1 mile square sections...From a Google search I found for road miles by State: Pennsylvania = 253,838, Iowa = 235,460.