Men in black... now that there is funny‼ Sounds like your grandpa and I would have gotten along just fine.
Well... remember... Iowa is in a different universe than Pennsylvania.
For one thing, Iowa has nearly twice the miles of just
unpaved roads than Pennsylvania has
total... and traffic, even in Des Moines, doesn't slow to a crawl in a snowstorm. Most of us learned to drive as soon as we could see over the steering wheel... some of us had our own car or pickup (complete with shotgun behind the seat) long before we reached "license" age. Booze-cruising and bar-hopping during a blizzard is considered sport... which, because most little towns only have one or two bars, means driving from town-to-town. Your "tiny 1500cc front wheel drive" would be worthless out here... it would be high-centered on a family truckster tire rut in the first mile. Which would be bad for you 'cause some farm boy in a pickup would drive right over ya'... then look at his girl friend and ask, "Hey, did you feel that?? Hand me another beer, would ya' babe?? Let's put some Skynyrd in the 8-track... kay??"