Fall Indiana GTG

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Well seeing how you guys are bringing some relics

I went over to the shop and pulled My Grandfathers old one hand saw.A stihl S10. Pulled it out ran it through the parts washer to clean off a few years of dust.Poured in fresh gas, gave her about ten pulls and she fired up and idled.. How sweet is that? Now to sharpen the chain up on the old saw.
Probably go with my specialty. Halfassed sharp should be good for cutting around corners.
Oh forgot to ask

if anyone has an extra S10 sidecover mine is cracked up pretty good. Bring it along. I would like to keep grandpas saw alive and kicking.. He bought it new back before my time I imagine.He passed away in 1983
I ain't sharpening nothing. To tired. If it dont cut so be it. :givebeer:

I did throw on the wojo covers on the 66 and 84. If anyone wanted to see one up close.
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I aint sharpening nothing. To tired. If it dont cut so be it. :givebeer:

I hear ya. I'm just going to hit the shop and buy some new loops tomorrow. No time to catch up on my sharpening right now.

For those who care, the plan at the moment is to bring:
Husqvarna 238se, 154
Makita 6401
Dolmar 7900

I may bring:
Remington PL-5
Stihl 066

If anyone wants me to bring one of the big Stihls, I can do that, just let me know.
I would like to run one of the big older stihls 75 or 76. If you can find room.
I ain't sharpening nothing. To tired. If it dont cut so be it.

Folks, he's tryin' to fake ya out. Better bring your mad skills. I'll bet he had his ceramic stones out, carefully honing the edge on each tooth under a 10x eye loop while typing that guff with his toes.... :)

Folks, he's tryin' to fake ya out. Better bring your mad skills. I'll bet he had his ceramic stones out, carefully honing the edge on each tooth under a 10x eye loop while typing that guff with his toes.... :)


Really Ian, no kidding here, the trick race chain stuff is hung up and filed away till next year.
I would like to run one of the big older stihls 75 or 76. If you can find room.

No problem, room shouldn't be a problem.

I can bring the 075 running .404 or the 076 running 3/8". The 075 feels stronger, but I can bring whichever you'd prefer.

In either case it won't be a short bar setup, unless my dealer happens to have a 21" in stock when I go by tomorrow; my shortest 3/8" is a 24" hardnose, and my shortest .404" is about 34" (100dl, whatever that works out to in inches). If you have a shorter bar that you'd prefer to run, let me know and I'll just bring the powerhead.

As for the commerce and swap meet side of things discussed in an earlier post, I haven't had time to go through my collection of goods but I do have a big Husqvarna 20" 3/8" .050 Oregon PowerMatch bar that I do not need. It was mounted but has never seen a running saw, much less any cutting. If anyone wants it, $20 or something interesting in trade will take it.
I have a 084 mount 21" 3/8 063 mounted up on the 84. It will work on your 75 or 76 wont it?

So its your call. I have just never ran those saws and want to see what they are like. Thanks.
Guys from MI bringing the 75 or 76, Al. Not me.
I wont weigh us down anymore.
I'll bring an extra small Stihl mount 20" and chain if you guys can't find one.Fits 066 down.The only thing I have in large mount size is 36".

I had to do some scrounging to find enough 16 and 20 inch bars to fit all the saws.See the problem is that Stihl takes a 72 driver loop on a 20 while McCulloch uses a 70.You can interchange a 7 and 8 tooth rim on a Stihl.On a Mac you have to do a bit of alteration on the bar to use an 8 tooth on 3/8 chain.Trivia.

Now on an 11 tooth ,like I have on the 125 Mac you have to do major alteration on the bar .The only way to ever be able to come close to an 084 or 3120 is to increase the chain speed on the 125 Mac .That might not even be enough.Time will tell and it's all in fun any way.:cheers:
I stand corrected

My grandpas saw is an 08S. Just has a replacement tank on it evidently.. I looked at Acres site.
But it still requires the same sidecover fits both.
Really Ian, no kidding here, the trick race chain stuff is hung up and filed away till next year.

I know, just poking ya in the ribs.

I'm bringing both the 372 and the 346. I'll toss in the 24" small Stihl mount bar for trade and the 20" small Husky mount bar for whoever wants it. Thought I'd also bring a timberjack and a pickeroon for kicks.

No problem, room shouldn't be a problem.

I can bring the 075 running .404 or the 076 running 3/8". The 075 feels stronger, but I can bring whichever you'd prefer.

In either case it won't be a short bar setup, unless my dealer happens to have a 21" in stock when I go by tomorrow; my shortest 3/8" is a 24" hardnose, and my shortest .404" is about 34" (100dl, whatever that works out to in inches). If you have a shorter bar that you'd prefer to run, let me know and I'll just bring the powerhead.

As for the commerce and swap meet side of things discussed in an earlier post, I haven't had time to go through my collection of goods but I do have a big Husqvarna 20" 3/8" .050 Oregon PowerMatch bar that I do not need. It was mounted but has never seen a running saw, much less any cutting. If anyone wants it, $20 or something interesting in trade will take it.

CU I have a 21" .404 bar I'll bring for you to run I also have 24", 36", and 2 48's all in .404. Acually the 48's are both roller nose so pitch doesn't matter just.63ga but the chains I have are .404 and 1/2". If anybody wants to use one just let me know, my 084 is in pieces on the bench right now so it's a no go for my big saw this trip.

I'll be coming pretty light this trip, I just tore into the 044 last night and was going to do a quick muff mod on it when I found out it ate something it didn't like. Has a nice score line on the piston and dented both rings, only pulling 130lbs of compression. If I can find some rings tomorrow I'll let it live with the scored piston for this trip otherwise it may have to stay home. I might just bring the old 260/460 set up and leave it at that. I don't have anything running on alky or anything so I don't think I have anybody worried. :laugh:

Does anyone that’s coming have a 044/046 master control lever that they would be willing to part with. The piece that holds the throttle open when on choke and 1/2 throttle is broken on mine and it's a PITA to get warmed up. Once it's warm no problem but I sure could use the new switch if anyone has one.
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Speaking of bars I have bars in 4" increments from 16" to 32" in 3/8 50ga for the Stihl 3003 mount if anybody wants to try one out and see how a particular size works on their saw just let me know and I'll throw it in the truck. :cheers:
I'll bring 'em both. My .404 on the 075, your 3/8" on the 076. We've got the room.

I forgot, I also have a 16" 3/8 .050 62dl bar for the 76 also. But you or someone else would need to bring a matching 62-64dl 3/8 .050 chain. All I have is a race and practice chain for that bar.
How many?

So just how many are planning on showing up tomorrow Eric?Looks like it will be quite an interesting day!:clap:

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