Falling pics 11/25/09

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Shall I switch back to a Humboldt? We are having to cut the stumps off anyway. I need some speed on the trees to try to get them to hit the ground.

It's hard to get any falling speed on stuff that small. Randy said it right, a little more face will help. Also, since you have plenty of room to run, saw it up a little more. On dog hair like that a thick hinge will make them fall in slow motion.
Money aint a thing when you've got chips!

Thanks Boys! Here's some crappy cell pics from the last few weeks. Logging is hard? Who knew? Its harder trying to explain to people around here what I do. They often say, well I've got a dead tree in my yard or I need some trim work, hmmm. But if I say "lumberjack," they are all over it. The next question is "so you have to drive up north for that?"

Bob- Its like I was told by an old farmer once, you can't count your time. Thats all it is though, trying to beat the sun. He always wins even when I get a head start as he is sleepin. Bastard.

Randy, how many houses coulda been built outa them waist high stumps you been makin? Haha.

Hammer- Thanks again Man!






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In-face camera? That's certainly an angle I have never seen before.
Bitz- if ya start counting the time you actually put into it vs. what you get paid.....you'll loose your mind. Just remeber to cut down a pumpkin every now and then without earplugs so you can really hear the ####er hit the ground. Then you'll grin and you're right back in God's fat little pocket.

All the best - Sam
Bitz- if ya start counting the time you actually put into it vs. what you get paid.....you'll loose your mind.

Great advice. We were running a new money management program a couple of years ago and I kept track of my hours for a solid year. I kept track of every minute, even trips to town for parts, time spent on the phone, running Cat and loader, falling, road building, walking new sales, time spent talking to agencies and 'ologists, any and every bit of time concerned with my business. I kept track of my hours as if I were working by the hour and paid myself for the hours I would have paid an employee to do the same tasks. I didn't pay myself for lunch breaks and I didn't pay myself extra for overtime.

I didn't work for anyone else that year so no outside wages were involved.

It was informative to say the least. I usually take 25% of my gross as a personal wage...that's adjustable of course depending on how the year goes. I'd never figured my by-the-hour wage before and I'm not likely to do it again.

I won't give you the actual numbers. It's too embarrassing. I made slightly more money per hour than the third assistant burger flipper at MacDonalds. But it had been a pretty good year. If it had been a bad year I probably would have been below the Federal Poverty Level.

An old time timber boss years ago was asked if there was any money in logging...he replied "Hell yes, there's a lot of money in the logging business. And that's where it stays, too, right there in the business...yours or one of your creditors. You just gotta try to grab a little bit out every now and then".

But...I don't know anybody who started working in the woods just for the money. Good thing, too. :) We see and do things every day that other people pay to see and do. Or they do it for a hobby. We get paid. A little.
Yep, I'd probably be doing better if I was saying "Welcome to Walmart shoppers"..........but I just don't have that much common sense........and some days I just have too much fun to be doing anything else.
Yep, I'd probably be doing better if I was saying "Welcome to Walmart shoppers"..........but I just don't have that much common sense........and some days I just have too much fun to be doing anything else.

Hey Sam, you gotta head back to Bozeman or are you done out there?
Yep, I'd probably be doing better if I was saying "Welcome to Walmart shoppers"..........but I just don't have that much common sense........and some days I just have too much fun to be doing anything else.

LOL...I can see it now..."Just take the #######ing shopping cart lady, I don't care if it has a squeaky wheel".
I don't know anybody who started working in the woods just for the money. Good thing, too. :) We see and do things every day that other people pay to see and do. Or they do it for a hobby. We get paid. A little.

That's why I'm happy to be breaking even as a tree nerd instead working in my "other" profession (nuclear reactor operator) which pays much better. I'd rather be broke and loving my life than be rollin' in the cash and miserable. It's a choice I made long before I left The Boat, and I don't regret it one bit.
I look at it as a life style not a job. When i first started one of the Old Timers told me "if you aint running for your life it aint logging".
I look at it as a life style not a job. When i first started one of the Old Timers told me "if you aint running for your life it aint logging".

I heard that too. The guy who said it was hobbling around on ankles that were broken once, and all the other injuries. He was in his 60s and didn't run so well anymore.

I prefer the term, skedaddle. Or sometimes, mosey.
I heard that too. The guy who said it was hobbling around on ankles that were broken once, and all the other injuries. He was in his 60s and didn't run so well anymore.

I prefer the term, skedaddle. Or sometimes, mosey.

Yup, but sometimes you better be able to flat out run. When we were double jacking we used to plan our escape routes so we didn't run into each other, fall down amidst a tangle of saws and tools, and then have the tree land on us. That would have been embarrassing.

I have all the usual injuries and stuff from working in the woods but every once in awhile I have to move. It's amazing how fast a senior citizen can jump when the adrenaline kicks in.

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