Falling pics 11/25/09

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It was the best $50 a day jobs I ever had.

I'd settle for 50 (not forever but a while would be feasable) a day as long as they didn't yell too loud and maybe let me sit in the skidder seat every once in a while and make diesel engine noises while slamming the controls around
I'd settle for 50 (not forever but a while would be feasable) a day as long as they didn't yell too loud and maybe let me sit in the skidder seat every once in a while and make diesel engine noises while slamming the controls around

!0% Plus an education.

My mother drove with no reverse in town.

Look at the frame not the tree, everything in the frame is tilted.
Cody working up a heating stick. I like how he checks his pressures after he's loaded the jack, and is always mindful of them throughout. You can tell he's an old hand by his movements, and his fluidity. I love watching him work!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6t4srVI9PLY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Please send a mini tree jack. I had one set back today. I pondered it prior to cutting and was amazed when it did go back. I believe it is proof that fences are magnetic, as that is where I had to send it after it sat back and leaned....making my heart rate go up. I put in another cut and then skedaddled, and it worked out.
I brought the tree home in the back of my pickup, and it is now in the pile.
Here's the butchered stump.

The fence barely shows up, but it got hit dead on. Not to worry, Floyd, this is a section that serves no purpose. No cows could escape.

The tiny wedge was killed today.

On a happier note, today went well, except for that *&% tree. Most of them hit the ground on their own. I have more openings in which to send them.

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Cody working up a heating stick. I like how he checks his pressures after he's loaded the jack, and is always mindful of them throughout. You can tell he's an old hand by his movements, and his fluidity. I love watching him work!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6t4srVI9PLY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I guess the Energizer Bunny wandered off for carrots before that tree headed for the lay :laugh:
Sorry, I was tryin to get a little better quality vid than with my phone, and did not check to make sure that I had enough space on my dvd. It only took about another 30 seconds til it fell! I was pissed! Oh well.

Sorry, I was tryin to get a little better quality vid than with my phone, and did not check to make sure that I had enough space on my dvd. It only took about another 30 seconds til it fell! I was pissed! Oh well.


We'll let ya go this time. . . But next time ya get the Chinese Can-O-Whoop-Ass by God! :laugh:

You'll have to settle for the Chinese can. . . I can't afford the Made in USA stuff.

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