Falling pics 11/25/09

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Bitzer . Thats AWESOME !!! got any more . What brand is it . Model . ?? How does the loader operator station work . Does the seat swivel ?

Thanks! Franklin 132XL. I had more, but my old phone took a crap so I'll have to get some new pics. Its supposed to freeze up a little this weekend and I might be able to skid. Its got the five stick controls in the back of the cab. Yep seat swivel. I have nearly 360 degree picking up capability, but it gets tough looking over your shoulder when you are picking up in front like that. I usually just move ahead but there was nothing else further down and I had to back up to get out.

Looks like your havin fun in the snow up there! Last year this time there was 2ft in the woods. This year less than an inch on the north facing slopes and everywhere else nothing. It was the year we never got a winter. Now I can only hope for the sun to shine and the wind to blow to get the ground hard again.
Hey guys. Finally got to make it to the PNW!
And god how beautiful was it! Im on the road for my job amd it took me up to seattle. We took 90 in through, from ellensburg. Seen some nice sized trees up on the mountain there and plenty of remains to some old logging :)
Had a hell of a time getting back out of seattle, going up the mountain back tl ellensburg wednesday night was hell, Blinding snow.
I also thought when people said that it rained all the time in washington.. It was an overstatment... Turns out I was wrong :)
It does rain all the time. You were in a truck. It was snowing on Tuesday and Wednesday here. Rain yesterday, rain today.

Seattle was in a strange rain shadow. We get more rain than Seattle, actually. Rain from October through the first couple weeks of July. Then we may see some sun. I suggest taking a vacation here in November. Don't move here, just visit.

Why do you think there are so many coffee places? Yes, vacation during the short, lovely days of November.
You might change your mind.
It does rain all the time. You were in a truck. It was snowing on Tuesday and Wednesday here. Rain yesterday, rain today.

Seattle was in a strange rain shadow. We get more rain than Seattle, actually. Rain from October through the first couple weeks of July. Then we may see some sun. I suggest taking a vacation here in November. Don't move here, just visit.

Why do you think there are so many coffee places? Yes, vacation during the short, lovely days of November.
You might change your mind.

No I was out in the rain for a good 3 hours unloading the truck. Lol
I told myself I wanted to come back when it was less foggy, and come back to that lake that is in the middle of that valley on 90 where you go through that small tunnel heading west.
I was talking to a guy at the place we were deliveering to. His brother was/is big into saws and had one of the biggest saw shops in WA. Jerry lappell, know him?
No I was out in the rain for a good 3 hours unloading the truck. Lol
I told myself I wanted to come back when it was less foggy, and come back to that lake that is in the middle of that valley on 90 where you go through that small tunnel heading west.
I was talking to a guy at the place we were deliveering to. His brother was/is big into saws and had one of the biggest saw shops in WA. Jerry lappell, know him?

Nope. I don't live in that area. The lake you speak of is man made. It is Kechelus(I probably butchered the spelling) Lake. There used to be stumps sticking up as it drew down. I haven't been over that pass for some time. I avoid it because there are traffic jams on the weekends. Our state's population has boomed since I was a kid, and that is not to the good.

The pass I live near is to the south, White Pass--Higway 12. It is usually the last mountain pass to close when the other two are closed due to slides and avalanches. It is quite scenic, when the clouds part. Today our area is foggy, and I better go for a walk whilst it is only foggy.
What Patty said. That lake turns into a mud flat with stumps during the summer months. By the way I thought the pics you posted looked an awful lot like Snoqualmie Pass. That's one of the lowest passes in the state. Glad you enjoyed your visit.
Heres some pictures :)


I know these views may not be much to you guys... But to this flat-lander it is!
No . Getting into the mountains has its rewards . I get tired of the weather . But . They are pretty .
What did u haul over there . At least it wasn't cold .

Im with a Van Line.
Moving peoples household stuff across the country, hell of a job. Would love to be back in the woods making chips but times are hard in that industry :msp_sneaky:
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First the mud in january now snow again has got me out of work for quite a while with no more cutting to do only pulling and all the logs are under 2 ft. of snow! So I sit around the fire greasing up the corks and shining the tin hat itching to get back out in the woods!

I did go cruising my timber land with my father the other day feeling a little old school just thought of this thread when we got a picture of me next to a punkin of the east :)

kikin' it old school complete with snoose snow cone:cool2:


working on getting some falling pictures from the fall uploaded bit of a trial though there in good ol fashioned prints so getting them on the internet is obnoxious.
Charlemont is not that far from here. Been through it hauling for Lane. Nice looking punkin.
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