Hi Tony, I forget the ladies name, but she is a real nice girl, her husband Mark took the pictures.They have been married for 28 years. She's real all right. Reminds me of the song." Devil with a Blue Dress On".
As far a the barberchair is concerned, it wasn't all that dramatic.
It was a low grade stem with 40% internal rot, due to some previous logging damage.
Anyway, because it was rotten, and I left in a dutchmen, due to carelessness and a chain that was pulling to one side, it split vertically. Sometimes they can split clear to the crown, not a pretty sight.
Hi Jon, that log truck grosses out a 63 tons legal, or is it metic tonnes?
Anyway, I think he weighed 140,000 lbs. when he went out. Good thing he had to set a few sticks off before he got onto the public road.
Rob, I'm grinding your chains tonight, will ship tomorrow, sorry about being so slow, but you will have some tree root pissin chain very soon. Keep rackers at 20 thou. Madsens sells 20 thou. raker gauges.
It's all yours silverblue, come and get it.