Favorite tree?

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Pensacola, FL
What is your favorite tree to climb? Mine is the poplar.
What is your least favorite or one you just plain hate to climb? Mine is anything with poison ivy in it. :jester:
My favorite tree to climb is a Redwood. There's nothing quite like them. I also like climbing blue gum eucs. Least favorites would be really pitchy pine trees and definitely hawthorns for the same reason as above.
I hate honey locust, black locust, and anything else with thorns. I also hate london plane, the dust is like mace or teargas. I like nice big silver maples. :)
Favorite tree is Douglas Fir-predictable, great holding wood, strong, never scared no matter how high. Least favorite is black cottonwood, awfull holding wood, weak, heavy, always feel better when cottonwoods are on the ground
deffinatly a huge willow ok its like a gigantic jungle gym ... least favorite hackberry and scyamore .. [ makes you sick more ]
Favorite: Nice big red oak
least favorite: Anything with thorns and sugar maples (first tree I climbed and something just stuck with me after that)
to date - favorite is a huge lucombe oak out on a golf course
least faivoret - lombardy poplars + black thorn + laylandies coverd in pigeon $h1te!!

i like climbing and cutting Oaks (Quercus robur). nice and solid, Sycamore can be fun (Acer psuedoplantus) as when right at the top (as in leaving an anchor below you and climbing on the small stuff) they become like ladders. Been up a few Ceder of Lebanon (Cedrus Libinani {???})enjoy poking my head out the top.

Oak smells nice when cut.

hates Holly (Ilex), Hawthorn (Crategus) and anything stinky or jaggy. hate Elder stinks, but chips easy. (forgot the latin

jamie said:
. hate Elder stinks, but chips easy. (forgot the latin
Our Alders are Alnus, few big enough to climb in.

I second the vote for willow oak junglegyms; very easy to climb in, and to find natural targets even without laterals present.

Anything big that's not getting removed is a joy to work in.
Also, love american elm, really tough stuff. Hate chinese elm. It seems like the bees are attracted to fresh cut elm. No sooner do I make a few cuts, and they're all over the place. Alot of times there'll be these bees that are about the size of my thumb, not sure what they're called, we call em wood bees. Real scary looking, but not very aggressive, seen thousands of em, and never been stung by one.
treeseer ELDER'S arnt alder's totaly differant....as for poplars being favorite tree's to climb baffle's me :dizzy:
I like ceders, and pines.

I always like ceders, but its been a while since I have done pine. I get in a rut just doing one type of tree (hardwood or pine) for months on end. I cant tell you the last pine i did, I wanna change, but then it will come and I will want hardwoods.

I like wide oaks, and tall pines:).
Kentucky Coffee tree because they look good and do well in urban areas. The tree I'm most taken with is the (natural) Persimmon tree just because I think they are cool. I came upon one for the first time in southern Ohio while deer hunting over a decade ago. Heard this low humming sound and smelled this unique aroma near the top of a small hill in the woods. Turns out it was a Persimmon tree and the low humming sound were frigging BEES!!!
I'm curious, have any of you been trimming or removing black walnuts and had the sap burn your skin? The stuff gives me bad chemical burns. :cry:
aarghh manky poplars? hate lombardys i just dont like the way you can td most of a lombardy with your hands and brute strength! grey pops are nice to climb and reduce tho. my favourite climb to date in my new job was a huge turkey oak but done afew other nice ones, sycamores are fun. the worst? def. any locust/acacia, hawthorn