I have 3 blue HDPE 55 gal barrels I use for moving fuel oil. Once in a while you can find people selling #2 oil on craigslist and save some money. That being said, I've never pulled up to a pumping station and put fuel in them. If your rural it might not rais an eyebrow. You might want to check your state code about maximum gals of fuel you can transport without a certified container or license to see if the penalty out weights the benefit if caught. IDK, that's a personal decision however, I've moved about 130 gals in mine before. I bought a DC powered transfer pump at tractor supply. Expensive little thing but came with hose and even a discharge handle. It makes easy work, self priming and pumps over 5 gal a min. Pumps a 55 gal drum a little under 10 min.