I walked a little of the lot with my two year old on my shoulders yesterday - tiring. Got a good idea of the lands features. A fair amount of trails were made, but a lot of the tops are off the trail, and they used their 540b to just run over or knock down anything in their way. I don't think my little tractor is going to be able to follow its tracks. I was fortunate to run into the two guys doing the logging as they were pulling the last hitch out. We talked about what it was like in there and what I had for equipment. Sounded like I was under equipped (shocker right?). Also, they said they pulled out about 120k bdft.
I have got to be the worst estimator out there... I don't think I'm ever closer to right. And since he doesn't want me to pay him per cord as it is pulled I told the guy I was going to have to pass. I'm sure I'll run into more opportunities.
On a side note I placed an order for a Wallenstein FX65 logging winch (with 3 chokers and snatch block) and getting the demo ($300 off) LX5100 3pt log grapple they had on the lot. These will serve me well I think where I am working now.
Attached are pictures from my walk in the woods on Saturday.
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