oak,ash and hickory are the only ones that will be good after any length of time on the ground.top prices here are $25-35 per top.everyones replies all have good merit.i wouldn't attempt such a large amount without good help and lots of time. good luck if you do it.
wow thats a pretty high price per top. local biomass power plant is buying chips @ $28 a ton right now,
Yeah, I keep thinking that there is less than what he was thinking. Only really have the bid sheet to go off of now. It's not like I can go through and measure every top to come up with a number.
is the logger still there? if so could you contact him, tell him what your doing, and ask him what he would guess is there in tops?
also do you know if it was all hand cut or did they come in with a feller buncher? if they came in with a buncher, then likely theres alot of small wood (under 4-5") that they cut so they could get to the wood they were after.
i also wouldnt even think of bidding on that without walking the lot...
id also try to figure out what time you have available weekly, and figure out how much wood you could move in that amount of time.
and if you do end up working this, id go at it one thing at a time (in sections) go in limb off everything you dont want on all tops in a given area, THEN pull the wood to the landing, i wouldnt be cutting a little then pulling a little then hauling that small amount home.
i wouldnt even think of bringing any home until there was atleast enough on the landing to keep me busy JUST hauling loads for a day or two.
you definetly cant run this job like the one you had a thread on last year, you were all over the place on that, even though its only tops it still needs to be run like any other operation, CUT,SKID,HAUL, doing little ammounts of each is the biggest waste of time!
nothing against you but personally i wouldnt hire someone that only had maybe a few hours a week and a few hours every other weekend to do a job that big.