Marine, firewood around here is sold by the face cord and usually under 16" long. A couple guys are selling 3 face at 13-14" and calling it a full cord. Facebook prices delivered under 15-20 miles are $70 to 90 for the face. So that's around $210 - $270 a full cord delivered. I sell a trailer load of ash that is a little over a full cord of 15 1/2" splits for $300 delivered. It's nice clean wood, no junk, same length and dry. I don't really sell a lot though, people seem to like getting burnt over and over. I go to lots of auction sales and there is usually firewood up for bids. It usually goes for peanuts but it's almost always crap wood too though so that's what it's worth. The Amish sales have some decent wood but it's every length under the sun from 8" to 22". My buddy has sold more wood in the last 3 weeks then he sold all fall. Most people had some left over from last year and thought they could sneak by, then we got that cold snap and the wood was going up the chimney quick. I have 6 or so full cords ready to go but no bites yet. It'll keep and I'll sell some for campfire wood this summer.