My motto is this: It's not the size of the ship, it's whether or not I'm the Captain.
I love that
No kidding - I'm swiping that. Thanks, Spike!
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My motto is this: It's not the size of the ship, it's whether or not I'm the Captain.
I love that
One of my peaves is cutting with or cleaning up after people who don't understand firewood. You know -the old, "I already cut it up for you, just come get it." Crooked cuts, 12" some 20" and anywhere in between. And the worst - I was helping a buddy that insisted on limbing and leaving 4-5" stubs - "awww - ya just cut those off later" ..... "uuuhhhh - Dude! cut 'em flush and be done with it...." Good guy, so I hated to say much.
the top 7 phrases that chap my ass concerning firewood
Not to mention how much I love making the little soft men look like little soft men in the presence of their women. HAHAHA!
Then there is the handshake that makes him question his own manhood. You know what I mean; He does his best to give you a "firm" handshake but even if his dainty little fingers can make it all the way around your palm, his soft effeminate hands don't have the were withal to dimple the meat between your thumb and index finger. These testosterone deficient metrosexuals can't seem to let go fast enough to save themselves the psychic emasculation that comes from having their baby soft flesh violated by the callous and scar tissue of a mans hand. HAHAHAHA!
Or maybe I've just got an over-inflated ego that imagines it all and I really am just a poor schlub servicing my betters.
Not to mention how much I love making the little soft men look like little soft men in the presence of their women. HAHAHA!
I personally get a kick out of the folks who think they've got it over you because your the one doing the delivering. I don't understand their logic though...You just gave me $200-$400 dollars and I'm the sucker? HA!
Especially when I could put a couple of their houses inside of mine and build a few more on my front lawn. HAHA!
Not to mention how much I love making the little soft men look like little soft men in the presence of their women. HAHAHA!
Then there is the handshake that makes him question his own manhood. You know what I mean; He does his best to give you a "firm" handshake but even if his dainty little fingers can make it all the way around your palm, his soft effeminate hands don't have the were withal to dimple the meat between your thumb and index finger. These testosterone deficient metrosexuals can't seem to let go fast enough to save themselves the psychic emasculation that comes from having their baby soft flesh violated by the callous and scar tissue of a mans hand. HAHAHAHA!
Or maybe I've just got an over-inflated ego that imagines it all and I really am just a poor schlub servicing my betters.
My biggest pet peeve is when people find out what I do for a living and they act like its not a REAL job. I manage a Christmas Tree farm, no work there at all. None, zip, nadda. I make a decent living, could always be better but had a heck of a lot worse, and average 12 weeks off a year with full salary and heck the boss even sent the Mrs and I to Vegas for a week completely on him last year.
Hmmmm..... maybe I do need to find a REAL job. NOT! Besides, the way the country is headed economy wise this may be a very good place to be right now.
BTW, shipments start tomorrow and if your in central Wisconsin, central Illinois, Dubuque/Quad cities area, and some areas of Oklahoma, Tennesee, Kentucky, and Texas you might just get a tree from our farm.
its true, the handshake says it all, im a little guy, Barly 5 foot 6, but i have a handshake of a viking. people look at me, and think, oh he's just a kid working for his uncle because he can't get a job any where else. then they shake my hand and have respect almost instantly. then they get me talking and find out that after i work 40 hours a week for him, i work 40 hours a week for myself doing the same thing, except i log the wood myself. not bad for 19?
Nooooooooooooooooooo, say it isn't so ? . Dr. LB prescribes Viagra for Mr. SB .
...they get me talking and find out that after i work 40 hours a week for him, i work 40 hours a week for myself doing the same thing, except i log the wood myself. not bad for 19?
First post and believe me I'm not a complainer but nothing ticks me off more in the firewood business than people wanting free wood. I mean if somebody is really down and it is their primary source of heat, hey, I'll help a guy out. But the nimrods that think it takes no time or effort to do this frost my arse. I respond to a lot of want ads requesting free wood by telling them to respond to the offers of free wood, then go buy a chainsaw, a log splitter, a trailer, gas cans, bar oil, extra chains, gloves, a few good nylon towing ropes, a 4x4 and have at it my friend. How many cords of wood do you think you can cut before you get your investment back? Or you can pay me a couple of hundred to deliver it.![]()