Feel Lucky
Naggers...I can't stand it when people nag.
Yeah I feel the same there but don't tell my wife

Naggers...I can't stand it when people nag.
...the nerve of you trashy wood cutters thinking you can socialize with a white collar worker.
I think the thing that has pi$$ed me off the most in my brief career is the few customers who seem to look down at me like I'm some sort 2nd class citizen who must be desperate for money if I'm selling firewood.
yes, he was rude. If he was a regular client and demanding I would consider firing him. Some times you do need to let some clients go. Some client are like milk - they go sour.
If he is a potential new client I would let him go. Not worth it in the long run.
Just my two cent opinion of 25 years working with the public.
How about when the splitter gets in a knot and then bursts
sending a chunk into your knee cap ohhhhhhhh how I hate that.
Everything I deliver is stacked. A lot of times it's around the back of the house. Please out of respect pick up the 500 piles of dog crap. I don't want to smell it the rest of the day on my shoes or dolly tires. I did a small tree job in a back yard a couple years ago. I actually had to rake a path to drag brush. Have you ever raked dog crap? It sucks.
Better then the boys.
Ohhhhh hell no ain't happening why did you even say that:jawdrop:
Cause it has happened to me when I split with a hydraulic in high school. I have a funny story about something like that. My dad,brother,and I were butchering hogs. They were on the trailer. It has a divider gate. When we wanted to shoot another one we would separate one to the back of the trailer. Dad would shoot it on the trailer. When you shoot a hog you have about 5-8 seconds to hook it in the mouth with the steel hook and jerk it out of the trailer to cut it's throat after that it starts kicking and flopping. My brother went to grab it and missed. When he went back at it again the hog started kicking and flopping. It kicked the steel hook and sent the handle into his boys. I grabbed the hog by the ears and jerked it off the trailer. Dad cut it's throat and my brother is doubled over against the side of the trailer holding himself. I laugh my butt off. He had his azz kicked by a dead hog.
That was funny for you until brother
you right?
What really pissssssssssssses me off is when they call and tell you they need a load, I ask when they need it by and the responce is "Well we just threw in the last stick". Suns a _itches. :angrysoapbox:
Well all ya got to do is cut split it up and deliver and stack it so
whats the big deal? Can you get it out to me by around 4 I get
off work at 3:30 so I can meet you there with a check! Get those!
I am definitely better than avalancher, I would NEVER climb trees for firewood...nevermind, its a long story and a closed thread...ha ha