Firewood Racks

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sb47 thanks for the tip. Will look into it.

No more cows in the pastures. Just hay baling now.

Yes, Spring is here. Hay has been cut and rolled once already. Grass around the logs and rounds on the ground is waist high. Area around the racks is getting close to knee high. I need to get on the tractor and do some cutting. Always something going on.

Can you put the racks on a skid and pull with a tractor?
sb47 thanks for the tip. Will look into it.

No more cows in the pastures. Just hay baling now.

Yes, Spring is here. Hay has been cut and rolled once already. Grass around the logs and rounds on the ground is waist high. Area around the racks is getting close to knee high. I need to get on the tractor and do some cutting. Always something going on.

>Always something going on.

Always cutting going on.... well, needing to be done.. lol ;)
>Always something going on.

Always cutting going on.... well, needing to be done.. lol ;)

I have spent many hours discussing to my wife that the yard is mine and the house is yours.
But she insist on placing things where I have to stop and move something to mow the grass.
I have about broke her of that. I do it to her by putting her house goods where I want them. Then she gets mad because it makes her do more work.
I have very meticulously oriented my yard for fast efficient maintenance.
And no more weed eating. "ROUNDUP" takes care of all my trimming.
Just use roundup where you cant mow or trim. Saves me hundreds of hours in yard work.
Course I live in a rule area so the country look fits right in.
Roundup will take care of all yard problems, and most field problems, and if not add 2 qts. 24d amine per acre to mix. ( or 1 1/2 0z per gallon for back pack sprayers. I do not use a weed eater!
Roundup will take care of all yard problems, and most field problems, and if not add 2 qts. 24d amine per acre to mix. ( or 1 1/2 0z per gallon for back pack sprayers. I do not use a weed eater!

I keep my grass cut as short as i can get it. And after years of mowing, I have discovered
If you keep it short you can grab a higher gear. If I have one acre and tall grass. i have to drop a gear in order to keep the mower slow enough to keep it from bogging. If i cut twice a week when the grass is still fairly short. I can get it done 3 times faster. IT's less strain in the mower making it last longer. Less wear a tear on the mower.
I shave off about 10 hours by cutting more often.
I agree, Also less fuel. In the summer I use more gas in my cheap zero turn than I do in my farm truck by far. Plus I have another farm that has a john deere regular rider that I have to cut also. Which is not good for my knee's. As it stays there for me to use. Every summer I drive the old 2n ford down there to spray the drive way and around the house and barn so I do not have to use a damn weed eater. Anything left over gets cut with the haybine or the bush hog. The sprayer is a 12 volt 16 gallon with a 14' broad cast boom and a hand held wand, I use a 12 volt deep cycle battery mounted on a platform with the sprayer. Do about 7 miles of fence rows with it also.

( I do not like weed eaters )

Roundup is cheaper than gas!! IMO
I have spent many hours discussing to my wife that the yard is mine and the house is yours.
But she insist on placing things where I have to stop and move something to mow the grass.
I have about broke her of that. I do it to her by putting her house goods where I want them. Then she gets mad because it makes her do more work.
I have very meticulously oriented my yard for fast efficient maintenance.
And no more weed eating. "ROUNDUP" takes care of all my trimming.
Just use roundup where you cant mow or trim. Saves me hundreds of hours in yard work.
Course I live in a rule area so the country look fits right in.

>I have about broke her of that.

oic; lol ~
I have spent many hours discussing to my wife that the yard is mine and the house is yours.
But she insist on placing things where I have to stop and move something to mow the grass.
I have about broke her of that. I do it to her by putting her house goods where I want them. Then she gets mad because it makes her do more work.
I have very meticulously oriented my yard for fast efficient maintenance.
And no more weed eating. "ROUNDUP" takes care of all my trimming.
Just use roundup where you cant mow or trim. Saves me hundreds of hours in yard work.
Course I live in a rule area so the country look fits right in.

roundup, and similar... I buy it in 2 1/2 gallong jugs... at coop store, ag formula, undiluted. they have some req'g the chem license.

I like roundup type products. killer stuff, pun intended. and I use it rural and urban. but I don't like to use it down fence lines in compound... pasture, well maybe. just depends. as it kills to the soil n roots. leaves soil and where grass was weeds move in. sometimes roundup is the best way to go, but I like a finished look to my compound's fence lines... not long brown trails of dead!
I wont reply to any specific post... each likes what they like. :) but I love my weed whackers... both are comm'l units. Bruts... pure workhorses... and look out to any grass, weed etc in its way.. lol... so powerful are they, they don't just clean the line... they make salad!!!! lol ~

I like both liquid and mechanical trimmers... I used roundup this morning... here at the house and out at hangar, too...
roundup, and similar... I buy it in 2 1/2 gallong jugs... at coop store, ag formula, undiluted. they have some req'g the chem license.

I like roundup type products. killer stuff, pun intended. and I use it rural and urban. but I don't like to use it down fence lines in compound... pasture, well maybe. just depends. as it kills to the soil n roots. leaves soil and where grass was weeds move in. sometimes roundup is the best way to go, but I like a finished look to my compound's fence lines... not long brown trails of dead!

I can understand that completely. I found if you let the grass along the fence line and get about a foot tall before I spray, the dead grass decays and turns to a mulch so it dont have a dirt line along the fence line. Then I let the grass grow back to about the same foot tall, then spray again.
I hate running a weed eater. But in my younger days it was a pair of hand clippers. So the weed eater beats it by miles. Except when you hit a fresh pile of dog doo!
The less work the better, Work smarter not harder. lol
I have so much grass to cut, the more I kill the less I have to mow.
I have one horse that has plenty of grass so feeding is not a problem.
By having a horse, I gut my mowing in half.
I can understand that completely. I found if you let the grass along the fence line and get about a foot tall before I spray, the dead grass decays and turns to a mulch so it dont have a dirt line along the fence line. Then I let the grass grow back to about the same foot tall, then spray again.
I hate running a weed eater. But in my younger days it was a pair of hand clippers. So the weed eater beats it by miles. Except when you hit a fresh pill of dog doo!
The less work the better, Work smarter not harder. lol
I have so much grass to cut, the more I kill the less I have to mow.
I have one horse that has plenty of grass so feeding is not a problem.
By having a horse, I gut my mowing in half.

I used a pair of hand clippers today... the small snip snip type... and roundup, too... clippers for some ruff trim rite now, and round up to clean the line. short distance 75' or so...

we don't use horses to mow... we use ag mowers... for the pastures... cattle! awesome ag mowers... I like a fresh cut pasture for hay, but like the ag mowers even better!!! I can set my clocks by them. lol... omg, what does this have to do with firewood racks...?

am I guilty too?, or just by association!! lol ;)
haha, good one! you were telling ET about that... I bet u like to drift... well, in those ATV MX'rs machines... how many hp in your's?

I run the old school Honda 400ex. A stock 400ex runs about 23 HP. Mine is a RAGE ATV built running 53 HP according to the dino.
The 450's built run around 60/65 HP.
Most run the 450's but my little ex still leaves them in the dust.
I have 7 local championships in C class, B, class, and open A
I did make the podiums in a few Nationals.
I still ride and give classes, and run the safety crew at all the local races.
The parts list is long, so I'll spear you the details, but lets say, it ain't cheap.
Race fuel alone for a weekend runs me a C note.
I keep my grass cut as short as i can get it. And after years of mowing, I have discovered
If you keep it short you can grab a higher gear. If I have one acre and tall grass. i have to drop a gear in order to keep the mower slow enough to keep it from bogging. If i cut twice a week when the grass is still fairly short. I can get it done 3 times faster. IT's lest strain in the mower making it last longer. Less wear a tear on the mower.
I shave off about 10 hours by cutting more often.

I cut might once every 2-3 weeks. I wait till its about a ft tall. ZTR handles it just fine.
I cut might once every 2-3 weeks. I wait till its about a ft tall. ZTR handles it just fine.

too tall for me in spring. need it shorter... really wet grass and makes salad up under mower deck... but I can always use the shredder, or finish mower... issue is they are not mulchers... that grass under deck turns to paste... green, dripping, wet paste!
too tall for me in spring. need it shorter... really wet grass and makes salad up under mower deck... but I can always use the shredder, or finish mower... issue is they are not mulchers... that grass under deck turns to paste... green, dripping, wet paste!

Wet grass is hard to cut. I see your south TX. I'm sure you have encountered "needle grass"?
That stuff is tuff!!!