Firewood score!

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Yesterdays firewood was Locust. Jacks BIL scored several large Locust trees on a horse farm that he has been doing some carpentry work for. We started on them yesterday and worked until dark getting everything cut down,split to managable size so that it could be loaded, and all brush piled up. We all ended up with two pick up truck loads each. I didnt get and pics of it on the truck but here are some of it tossed off onto the ground.View attachment 79386

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man what a score.:givebeer: wish we had deals like that in Central Oregon. mostly :censored: juniper burn good but is a pain to cut. similar to the way a oak grows stemy and lot of limbs. worst part of juniper is it can dullllll a chain in seconds. i have found pebbles to large stones in the trees i cut. worst thing is oldddddddddd pioneer fence wire. good luck on your score:givebeer:
We were really running short on time yesterday due to the fact that we had to have everything out of the field and all brush piled up before we left. We called a couple of guys who also burn wood to help us out so that we could get done earlier than we did but no one was interested, oh well more for us I reckon. I still ended up making it home before 9 o'clock and ended up with two heaping truck loads of wood.
Locust is a great score. This weekend I started my wood burner. Experimenting with different wood I had cut last winter/spring. I think Locust burnt even longer than white oak.
Alright, at first I was happy for you but now I'm just getting jealous! Seriously though nice score, I wish I could find something like that around here.
I hit the jack pot myself. My parents decided to sell quite a few logs out of there fence rows. The buyer never came back to clean up so my Dad said have at it.:clap: There all black walnut that's been laying for a season, should be good for next if I get it all split this week.
