First Falling - modded 460 video

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Really nice job man, inspires me to get off my duff and make a vid next time I go out to cut some wood, I ve done lots of vids, just none of wood cutting.

Your saw sounds awesome. You were really in the groove when limbing that tree, looked pretty cool.

It is ALWAYS fun to watch somebody do something really well.....I enjoyed that video! The audio was great, even for an old tarf like me.
You are changing my opinion of people from "down there".
Thanks guys, I really mean it!

I was really excited once I figured out how to edit and post. You all are doomed with my videos for awhile.
Once again thanks -

Don't threaten me with a good time. You've done all that a couple times before, haven't you?
Slinger, very impressive work, and beautiful land there. Great vid forsure I would have thought you've done it many times before. :bowdown:
Your technique was impressive, some new methods to try for bucking.

Really cracked me up with the "smallest bar I have" comment, followed by " these 460 aren't bad", ya, after you morph them into a 660, heahea.

First class production, loved it. Look forward to one with your usual size saw.

Hey fella's put the video camera to work today in making all my friends (you) a video with commentary and falling a doug fir snag with a modded 460 I built.
8 tooth sprocket - and Stihl chain.
Sound must be on - I hope you all like - it's my first.

Awesome saw and professional logging technique expo,,,,,,

That Doug Fir in tha first falling Vid takes a pretty good jump off that stump with the humbolted face cut!!!!! pretty impressive stuff Tried to rep ya but Im all hosed,,, loved to see the limbing and bucking done right like I was taught too!!

Great stuff
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Great video! Thanks for posting it. I'm looking forward to more pictures of your dog.
me 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

You def made the point that a 460 modded is a great limbing saw. Still trying to figure the guys wanting 40-50cc saws for limbing?:dizzy:

I like a 65 to 78 cc class saw for limbing,,,with a 24-32" bar 365-372 or 440-460 is perfect in my book
:blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
That is one awsome saw. I like the green weenie. Wheer do you find those at and are they just for stihl saws.

Thanks again guys.

As far as the Green Weenie (foam stack) I order the filters through Madsen's, I am pretty sure they have the velocity stack as well.
I will post a pic of the set up. Gimme about a half hour.