I suppose you do.i got 1 and that's enough for now.
I suppose you do.i got 1 and that's enough for now.
https://www.ngk.de/fileadmin/Dokume..._in_download_area/ngk_zuendkerzen_code_en.pdfCorrect me if I'm wrong but if the thread diameter, reach, and heat range are the same the plug will work?
Don't they make identical plugs but with different size hex dimensions? With the smaller ones for tight clearance applications?
Seems like a lot for 2" more bar.Does that include the longer chain?If so it still seems like a lot.i was at my tractor dealer yesterday(they also sell Stihl) and i looked at the 241 they had on the shelf. DOM 9/14.i looked at the price tag and it had 16"and 18 " listed. the 18"was $20 more than the 16.
10.00 an inch .Seems like a lot for 2" more bar.Does that include the longer chain?If so it still seems like a lot.
I for one do not believe it is accurate.So am I reading this right or .... ?
Stihl New Edition - $629.95 Cdn ($478 US) [must be a typo?]
MS 261 C-M
3.0 / 4.1bhp
10.8 lbs
16" bar
MS 241 C-M - $709.95 Cdn (538 US)
3.0 bhp
10.8 lbs
16" bar
So you're getting more horsepower for the same weight at less cost than the ms 241 when buying the new edition MS261 CM
Did it just get taken down by a real Ryobi?
YUP, the price is real!
I don't need one but tempted to sneek one home when the wife isn't looking ....
Brand new MS 261cm for $629 CDN = $482.85 US
Prob only need the heated handle in a snowstorm.Very nice!!!
I always go back and forth about getting a heated handle saw. I don't cut all that much in the winter though.
Are both handles heated or just the throttle side?That's the real price, but there's tax on top of that. Some places in Canada have pretty high sales tax. Then shipping. I actually just received this little guy in the mail from Canada yesterday. It's a 261cm-vw.
Mine was a little pricier than the basic model, but I will forget about that when my fingers are toasty warm while I'm cutting.
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No I didn't, I can tell you they sure are stingy on the gas consumption, you got to love it!any of you guys with the 241 notice that when the saw runs out of gas that there is stihl some in the tank? tried moving the filter/pickup but it seems to return to the sdame place.