jokers said:
Next time I`m out your way, whether it be tomorrow or whenever, I`ll try to get ahold of you. I was worried that I might not be able to find you but those landmarks are familiar to me.
Yeah, we're real easy to find, I left it deliberately vague so someone would have to know the area a bit as you do. We're bordered by the railway on the east also, forgot to mention that.
I may or may not be around, will be in and out all day but mostly in. I am going to try to put wood in all day tomorrow but that depends on if others let me concentrate on that, etc...
To be honest, I don't have a whole lot much more than 6 - 8" that needs cutting, I have cut most of the wood that I'll need this winter and the only remaining tasks for the year are cutting small stuff out of a trail system my wife is building. I do have some bigger dead beech I have been looking for an excuse to cut though. Other than that I don't know what I have that would be big enough to really show off a warmed up mid size saw...
jokers said:
Pis sed off anyone? Not me, but that`s a funny thought that any person could get so pis sed about someone`s words that they would go looking for them.
Ya never know, reading some of the stories on here!
I don't think I have.. :angel:
jokers said:
The price for the EHP treatment when I had my 361 done was $200 USD which included shipping back. I would ask Ed first before assuming that price will last forever.
A good price even if it has come up some. I am going to at least do the muffler treatment, I understand this makes big strides towards making it run better.
jokers said:
There is nothing wrong with the perfromance of the 361 in stock form. I`m sure that it`s atleast slightly better than the 036/360 and very comparable to the 357xp. I currently own all three of these models so I feel it is fair for me to make that comparison. From what I understand, GlenS has been doing a long term comparison of the 361 vs 036 Pro. He is typically quite critical, if you know where he is currently hanging out, you could no doubt get a more detailed analysis.
Like I said, I'm very happy with mine; I went down to Houdins' on your advice and bought this, actually. I remember reading where someone said that the only 361 they had ever run that would keep up with a stock 357xp was one with a canadian muffler, the one digit different part number. What this tells me is the muffler is a major bottleneck, the stock porting may not be too awful bad. But I will admit that I know next to nothing about making 2 cycles perform. And again, I think getting the chain set up right is key, just like most any other saw.
jokers said:
I hope to let the modified 361 speak for itself. I don`t have a stock 440 but I just happen to have a stock 372 that we could run it against. That would be close enough, wouldn`t it?
Well, I will admit I'm curious to see what a modded 361 will do, I hear it's a world of difference, which is what led me to hypothesize that it would be more similar to a 440. I am honestly not picky enough to time cuts against a bigger saw, I do not cut professionally, etc, etc. I just enjoy and value a good running machine. This has been a pleasure to use vibration, weight, balance and power wise so far, but as with anything I am curious how much better mods could make it.
I'd look forward to possibly meeting you at some point if you have the time!
- John