Doctor Freakinstein
Sorry, didn't know they came with a 36"
I'll go crawl back under my rock. Lol
Hey John, the X25 is 27 or 28".. I bought that one first and about chopped my leg off a couple of times. I split like you do, chop up the tree and stand the rounds up and start cracking... the X25 is meant to be used with a splitting block I think. you know me, I'm a skinny little chit at 5'9". I prefer the X27 (same head, but 36" handle. It works extremely well if you learn to use it. If you just try to beat it like a maul, you'll likely not like it. I swung a 16lb monster maul for years and a 6lb maul that was dads. I still use the maul and edges on some of that nasty elm, but 98% of my splitting comes from the X27 nowadays. I like it so well, that I bought a spare when tractor supply clearanced them out a few years ago. Sold the X25 to my brother since he's a sawed of chit. Some love the fiskars, some hate them. I love mine, Although, I got a nice 5lb gransfor Bruk felling head from the scrap yard a few weeks back and looking forward to making it work. I want to try that husqvarna splitting axe, if they made one that wasn't for midgets.