I'll get a Government grant . . . .
Next I want to see a full wrapped wood grain Fiskars with faux chrome over strike guard.I'll get a Government grant . . . .
I'm running with pictures turned off, so when I clicked on "show picture" to see your hoarde, I expected to see a bunch of family working the wood pile, not your wood hoard!No rust on mine and it hasn't been shedded since new about 5 years ago.
Put in time on the woodpile and busted up a dozen big rounds - that was a bet less than I was doing last fall. Not bad so maybe I can get back at least some of the winter's loss.
Plans took a drastic change today. Wx warmed up to well over freezing, snow all gone. Figured I would go out and knock down a big brushy Willow the farmer wants disappeared. Top will land in a wheat field. I thought the field would dried out enough by then. Nope. I've been meaning to get out in the field behind my lot and try for a picture of my horde. Found out that just standing out there I was sinking into mud. Won't be much better until all the frost is gone. At least the wx is supposed to stay mostly dry for the next week so I can keep working at that wood pile.
The horde:
The pile right by the camera is about 20 cord of Black Locust, rest of the piles are also Black Locust with about 8 cord of Willow scattered aroud. Somewhere around 80-90 cord total. Wood that I won't live long enough to burn.
Harry K
Wow Harry! You are a wood hoarder! Not that there's anything wrong with that. It keeps you young! Do you sell any? That locust should command a premium. Nice stacks.No rust on mine and it hasn't been shedded since new about 5 years ago.
Put in time on the woodpile and busted up a dozen big rounds - that was a bet less than I was doing last fall. Not bad so maybe I can get back at least some of the winter's loss.
Plans took a drastic change today. Wx warmed up to well over freezing, snow all gone. Figured I would go out and knock down a big brushy Willow the farmer wants disappeared. Top will land in a wheat field. I thought the field would dried out enough by then. Nope. I've been meaning to get out in the field behind my lot and try for a picture of my horde. Found out that just standing out there I was sinking into mud. Won't be much better until all the frost is gone. At least the wx is supposed to stay mostly dry for the next week so I can keep working at that wood pile.
The horde:
The pile right by the camera is about 20 cord of Black Locust, rest of the piles are also Black Locust with about 8 cord of Willow scattered aroud. Somewhere around 80-90 cord total. Wood that I won't live long enough to burn.
Harry K
Wow Harry! You are a wood hoarder! Not that there's anything wrong with that. It keeps you young! Do you sell any? That locust should command a premium. Nice stacks.
PM box is still empty. Where are all the haters when you need them?Serious offer: If you have a Fiskars X27 and don't like it, please PM me. I'm looking to pick up one to give to a friend and if we can do a deal to put $ in your pocket and save me a little from retail, I'm all for it.
No rust on mine and it hasn't been shedded since new about 5 years ago.
Put in time on the woodpile and busted up a dozen big rounds - that was a bet less than I was doing last fall. Not bad so maybe I can get back at least some of the winter's loss.
Plans took a drastic change today. Wx warmed up to well over freezing, snow all gone. Figured I would go out and knock down a big brushy Willow the farmer wants disappeared. Top will land in a wheat field. I thought the field would dried out enough by then. Nope. I've been meaning to get out in the field behind my lot and try for a picture of my horde. Found out that just standing out there I was sinking into mud. Won't be much better until all the frost is gone. At least the wx is supposed to stay mostly dry for the next week so I can keep working at that wood pile.
The horde:
The pile right by the camera is about 20 cord of Black Locust, rest of the piles are also Black Locust with about 8 cord of Willow scattered aroud. Somewhere around 80-90 cord total. Wood that I won't live long enough to burn.
Harry K
Holy hell. Remind me never to question you about splitting, cutting, or anything firewood related sir. I don't think I'll ever reach 80-90 cords of cutting and splitting.
That "stash" got started when the locust borer killed Black Locust all over the county. Prior to that I was heating my house solely with Willow - that's the only wood that is available in any quantitiy in this area. Being retired and needing the exercise I think I got more than a little carried away.Lucked into some scores of up to 5 acres that needed clear cutting - took a couple years on a couple of them. My 'wooding' truck is a 2x 1989 f150 6cyl and 4spd. Carries some 300 ft of cable, multiple snatch blocks and sundry rigging stuff. Got to where I was pretty good at snaking logs out of what would have been inaccessible spots.
All in all it was a fun time and only scared myself a couple times, once when I came very close to dropping one on an occupied trailer house. Did hit the truck once but only brushed the passenger side denting the door and wiping the mirror off it.
Just rambling at 12:30 am. Brewski time!
Harry K
Were you celebrating your Seahawks beating my Panthers? Damn it, this team is so frustrating.
I can't wait for retirement. I'll tinker with chainsaws the whole time and spend a few hours noodling everyday. Sounds like heaven.
Fixed that for ya...Did he say he keeps taps on the kegs?
For some reason, Clark Griswold popped into my mind looking at that hideous thing. Looks just like their station wagon.
"Only"Below is a pic of my firewood fetcher, and "Yes" I split with a Fiskar's X27, but only 10~11 cord a year.