Originally posted by oldugly
I know I should keep my big mouth shut here, because the unknowns such as myself really escape alot of ridicule, but I got to speak up. I read the posts here for about a month before I decided to join up with this site.
Rocky, JPS, Tom, and many others were the reason I joined. I love the fact that people say what's on their minds here. True, sometimes I think that people here can be somewhat puritanical in their philosophies, and pretty set in their ways, but usually because either education or experience has convinced them they are right in their perspective.
The reason I rarely post here is I don't have alot to say, that someone else isn't already saying. I will also continue to ask questions, get others viewpoints and glean all I can from anyone I can.
After twenty five plus years in this business, I am thoroughly enjoying reading the input many of you are giving. The one I probably enjoy the most is Rocky aka Brian...maybe partly due to his confidence, (which may come off as arrogance if people don't follow his posts completely).
One thing I have learned, is I still have alot to learn. Thank you all for sharing because I am more than willing to learn from you.