i like guying back for a speed line, sometimes even anchoring to tree behind me and guying it, then laying it across tree i'm working.
Mike Maas has talked of a Harken Block(?) i believe that has the 1 way feature.
i like stuff like RoundTurn with a remote sweat line in it for pretightening. This like the 1 way blocks allows me to pretighten hard and have high support friction too. This would be for pivoting branches around and laying into line, not impacting. The line tension helps keep it up and steer, the lack of elasticity from less rope before friction and pretightening keep it up and steer. Soemtimes i use the length of stick between hinge and hitch to leverage line even tighter as hinge is folding, to be super tight at tearoff. this also can force a stronger hinge to give stronger hinge and higher line tension at once. The portion of stick between hitch and hinge after tearoff, then becoming ballast for the heavier green end for more float, and load higher than if held upside down by end.
One way i do that is to lay load down into the tight line purposefully some on horizontal limbs, to be swept horizontally to side using it's weight and the distance between hitch and hinge to leverage rope tighter. Sometimes take that a step further, and kind fake to fold Left away from a support that is going to take it Right. Then the line can really tighten hard (if already tight), as it is moving further from support to stretch line, rather than moving load towards support to give line tension some relief! Then, as it folds Left on hinge and line tension builds, i will start backcutting towards Right, and let the line tensionpull the limb around.
i drew Rock Around the Clock Strategy for self tightening line before tearoff, and tighter steering in this
Drawing for AS years ago
i maid attatched pic for something else, but shows the remote sweat and RoundTurn on support.