Friction Savers! are they worth it

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Yeah Lopa

It was Phil C

He was scrutinising our gear at Arborcamp QLD Sept 2004 and held some talks.

He admits he didn't visually inspect the (done 1000 times) clicking in of the biner, heard the click, jumped for the swing to the trunk and heard another metallic click and saw the running end of his life line go north whilst he went south.

Visual inspection and check, check, check.

He was tough on our gear, condemned a heap of biners etc due to their design, not that they were faulty just "not appropriate" in his world. I remember saying we don't design or make them just buy them, but at the end of the day he knows that nothing is bullet proof and the risk is there.

So check, check and keep checking.
Wow!! Alot of information here. But getting back to basics, 48" vs. 72". You most likly will never be in a situation where you will say "I wish I had a shorter one" , but I can almost guarantee you will be in one where you wish you had a longer one. Steel vs. Aluminum, the difference is weight. In the rings there is not much weight difference so the steel will not get dinged up as much. If you go back and read all the threads I dont believe anyone said anything bad about them. Like I said I wouldnt climb without mine.
one thing that amases me is you can visualy see if a screw gate biner isnt done up,yet there frowned apon
newb said:
... 48" vs. 72". You most likly will never be in a situation where you will say "I wish I had a shorter one" , but I can almost guarantee you will be in one where you wish you had a longer one...

When I used to work with a ring/RING friction saver, I always wanted it to be short as possible for 2 reasons. 1- less of a pain when I was working right at my TIP, and 2- It seemed to me that shorter was less likely to get snagged.

newb said:
... Steel vs. Aluminum, the difference is weight. In the rings there is not much weight difference so the steel will not get dinged up as much...

I always liked aluminum. The weight is noticeable. Steel is stronger, yes. But it's only stronger than "strong enough."


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