Point Blank Question
Dude... relax... you're not the first to come on here with both barrels blazin' tryin' to justify usin' an oil ratio like 32:1 or even more oil.
You can hide behind all the "EPA" stuff you want... 50:1 with newer modern mix oils is perfectly fine.
Have fun!

Gary --
People will always have different opinions. But, I HIDE BEHIND NOTHING!!
Don't need to.
Oil [in the gas of saws] is the #1 enemy of EPA standards. Doubt it?
Why have [2] cycles had the toughest time meeting the increasingly tough standards?
Many High-Perf [2] stroke users [Karts, etc.] would consider it
insane to run 50:1. A good number are running 12:1 to 16:1 with the finest oils made.
They want their stuff to live.
Suzuki for a number of years refered to their engines as "Oil Cooled".
As a fact, all engines are oil cooled--one of oils big benefits! If you have enough....
I don't have 22,000 posts on AS. Many AS readers buy hook/line/sinker what is posted.
*** As stated earlier their is a huge difference in "running fine" &
maintaining that high level of perf [compression PSI, etc.] indefinitely.
So many AS posts complaining of poor/low perf. WHY?
Quick, short little posts that think they sum it all up, don't.
Nothing here "over-engineeered".
In my town is a Rental Company. I know the Owner & Mngr. Sharp operators.
They rent chainsaws & a full line of other [2] cycle stuff, skid-steers and everything inbetween.
Rental is a tough life for saws. Tougher than most any of that we dish out.
As confirmation, STIHL offers a whopping 30 day warranty for Rental use.
One has to be sharp & smart to rent Chainsaws and make money!
The Rental Co owner told me he always went by the Manufacturors suggestions, 50:1.
Said he got tired of rebuilding them, and the parts cost.
Went to 32:1. No rebuilds at all. Some have now been actively in his fleet for
10years. No one will convince him that 50:1 is smart. Especially his hip-pocket.
The newer Syn Oils make 50:1 work "fine" as you stated.
I'm not after "fine". Oil is cheap.
I want want
the best. That's the point of this post and to Lumberjach.
His Mac 33 dern sure was not CNC machined/built. We don't know anything of it's internal condition either, do we?
A bit extra oil is a WISE and prudent measure.
Many other AS memebers agree wholeheartedly.
They just don't rock the established boat like I do.