Gearing up. Saws are ready

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Mar 5, 2009
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Holden, Ma
And so are my snow blowers and truck. We are probably gonna get around 2 feet of snow, maybe 30". Im always ready anyway but I went thru and checked everything out. Already stores have run out of water, I have plenty of that. Ill be heading into work for a little while prob let out early, I plan on tuning up my Ariens, I went through my Toro 2 weeks ago so its all set. Its about a 30 min drive all hills so Ill be taking some stuff with me. Aside from the snowblower, Im taking 3 gas cans to top off, 6' choker strap, 10'' 1/2" chain, come-a-long, shovel, axe and of course a saw. Ill grab my Dolmar 540. Its all country roads and I dont plan on getting stranded.
Got a decent amount of food, plenty of wood, so we will be fine. My In-laws however are crazy in my opinion. They plan on driving to Boston to stay in a hotel that my brother in law got for the weekend. They then tried to convince my wife and 8 month old daughter to go, luckily she knows better (Im finally making an impression on her!) and I didnt have to tell them that no way Id allow that. The LAST place youd catch me in a potential emergency is in a big city. Ill take my chances depending on myself.
And so are my snow blowers and truck. We are probably gonna get around 2 feet of snow, maybe 30". Im always ready anyway but I went thru and checked everything out. Already stores have run out of water, I have plenty of that. Ill be heading into work for a little while prob let out early, I plan on tuning up my Ariens, I went through my Toro 2 weeks ago so its all set. Its about a 30 min drive all hills so Ill be taking some stuff with me. Aside from the snowblower, Im taking 3 gas cans to top off, 6' choker strap, 10'' 1/2" chain, come-a-long, shovel, axe and of course a saw. Ill grab my Dolmar 540. Its all country roads and I dont plan on getting stranded.
Got a decent amount of food, plenty of wood, so we will be fine. My In-laws however are crazy in my opinion. They plan on driving to Boston to stay in a hotel that my brother in law got for the weekend. They then tried to convince my wife and 8 month old daughter to go, luckily she knows better (Im finally making an impression on her!) and I didnt have to tell them that no way Id allow that. The LAST place youd catch me in a potential emergency is in a big city. Ill take my chances depending on myself.

A big city is the last place you want to be in an emergency situation.
Self reliance is one of those attributes that, unfortunately, is in short supply these days.
Be careful, you all have our prayers.
You get all the good storms there!

Be safe!
And so are my snow blowers and truck. We are probably gonna get around 2 feet of snow, maybe 30". Im always ready anyway but I went thru and checked everything out. Already stores have run out of water, I have plenty of that. Ill be heading into work for a little while prob let out early, I plan on tuning up my Ariens, I went through my Toro 2 weeks ago so its all set. Its about a 30 min drive all hills so Ill be taking some stuff with me. Aside from the snowblower, Im taking 3 gas cans to top off, 6' choker strap, 10'' 1/2" chain, come-a-long, shovel, axe and of course a saw. Ill grab my Dolmar 540. Its all country roads and I dont plan on getting stranded.
Got a decent amount of food, plenty of wood, so we will be fine. My In-laws however are crazy in my opinion. They plan on driving to Boston to stay in a hotel that my brother in law got for the weekend. They then tried to convince my wife and 8 month old daughter to go, luckily she knows better (Im finally making an impression on her!) and I didnt have to tell them that no way Id allow that. The LAST place youd catch me in a potential emergency is in a big city. Ill take my chances depending on myself.

Yep, I'm ready too. Plenty of firewood, gas, the generator is in order, tractor ready, and I've got plenty of saws, no problem there, lol. They're expecting about 2 feet of snow here too.

I'll finally get to buzz around on the snowmobile, its been nearly 2 years since we had enough snow!:msp_w00t:
City? Whats a City? LOL Yeap I would much rather be in the country.Don't have to fight over food.Luckily Here all of the City Slickers are Repulsed by the thought of Eating Squirrel,Rabbit and Deer.Skunk is where I would draw the Line and I hope I never see the time I have to eat the North End of a Southbound Possum.:msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:

Everyone up North good luck with the Storm.
Im on the outskirts a a good sized city, no where near the size of Boston though. Heading out in about 15 min. Trucks loaded, fueled and warming as we speak. State want us off the road by noon.
Last night checked the snowblower and generator and topped off the wood bin inside. I hope they let me off early today. Good luck Joe.
Cold and raining here. :mad:

I like one or the other. Cold and snowing, or if it is going to rain, I wish it would be warm enough to dry out. The mud will be thick now.
Barring an emergency, that's it for the chainsaws for awhile. Cut a fair amount of wood in the last few days in advance of the storm and ran around the property like a squirrel yesterday bringing 2 cords of bucked up maple and oak to the house to stack or else I won't see them again 'til spring. Uxbridge is 20 min. south of Worcester; generally the weather is less severe here, but you never know. Biggest problem will be trees blowing down and taking out power lines. Plenty of firewood and propane. Bathtub and jugs full of water. Snow rake. Wife thinks I've planned ahead for a change. Snow coming in from the east.
you guys act like you are going to get some snow,,, geezzzz,, whimps :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin: seriously be careful guys,, no telling how bad it will get until after the fact since the weather people are wrong most of the time,, hopefully they are wrong this time
Cold and raining here. :mad:

I like one or the other. Cold and snowing, or if it is going to rain, I wish it would be warm enough to dry out. The mud will be thick now.
Yeah, it's almost mud season. Heck it's always mud season around here anymore. Mudsylvania.
Man, you are ready! Good list of supplies. Best thing I ever added to my truck for the winter was a set of tire chains. They turn my 2wd into a tank. Simply amazing. :rock: I found out hunting this year they are great in the mud too.

They are calling for 10-20" where I am. Generator is in the garage (but won't be run there of course!), 15 gallons of gas, plenty of 2 stroke mixed gas, snow blower ready to go and a load of firewood in the garage. Hoping I am all set.

Oh yeah, and the saws are ready to go!

Good luck in Worchester!
I heard the storm referred to yesterday as "Snowzilla." You'd think 2-3 feet of snow is the zombie apocalypse or something.
good luck in the North East

it is going to be a doozy!! things will probably be ground to a halt for a week or so. Good luck to all!!
I'm ready for the storm. Saws are put away car is at the end of the driveway, I bought an extra 30 pack of PBR, 2 bottles of a 2010 vintage Pinot, and this little thing with a soft demeanor on her way. My generator is ready because the last storm didn't pan out.

I don't know about you all, but the last thing I'm gonna be doing while theres a storm on a Saturday is trying to drive around looking for trees to cut. Unless you're a doctor or paramedic or cop, just stay home.
North of Boston here, saws, snowblower, and a portable heater are ready to go. Got firewood and food and I'm on city water so I don't need to worry about that, besides with a gas stove and 2-3 feet of snow I'm pretty sure I could make some water!
I also have plenty of camping gear, stoves, sleeping bags, etc... If I can camp outside in the winter I'm pretty sure I'll be ok in my house.
Next year I swear I'm going to buy that generator.
it is going to be a doozy!! things will probably be ground to a halt for a week or so. Good luck to all!!

a week? nah, not in New England, all will be back to normal late saturday early sunday imho..

knock on wood - unless the wind is really bad, or if your on the coast and there is flooding, that might be bad, 1-2 feet of fluffy white stuff meh, that's no big deal around here..

now I probably just jinxed myself - I do have a big pine that split in 2 the other half is still standing with all it's branches on one side, that was revenge New England style for a 50+degree day we had the other day..
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