Gearing up. Saws are ready

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I'm on city water so I don't need to worry about that, besides with a gas stove and 2-3 feet of snow I'm pretty sure I could make some water!

don't bank on that. If the pumping stations lose power, the reservoirs empty and cannot be refilled. Made worse if the treatment plants lose power.

But as you say, you do have snow so it shouldn't be all bad.
I'd like a mother nature enforced couple days vacation. Maybe I'd finally get a good snowmobile ride in.
I heard the storm referred to yesterday as "Snowzilla." You'd think 2-3 feet of snow is the zombie apocalypse or something.

the weather channel has a warning on the top of the page saying "life threatening storm closes in"

fear mongering....
a week? nah, not in New England, all will be back to normal late saturday early sunday imho..

knock on wood - unless the wind is really bad, or if your on the coast and there is flooding, that might be bad, 1-2 feet of fluffy white stuff meh, that's no big deal around here..

now I probably just jinxed myself - I do have a big pine that split in 2 the other half is still standing with all it's branches on one side, that was revenge New England style for a 50+degree day we had the other day..

agreed.....the guys who plow are ready to go, been a slow winter for them so far. the winter we had a few years back they all got new trucks.
Good luck with that storm and be safe!!! When I lived in Hamilton-Wenham Ma. we got 10" of snow and still had school at the regular time. The wind will be the deal breaker on this one. Hope it is all over hype.
don't bank on that. If the pumping stations lose power, the reservoirs empty and cannot be refilled. Made worse if the treatment plants lose power.

I'm maybe 3/4 of a mile from the reservoir and I'm pretty sure they have back-up power.
My favorite fear is things thawing in the freezer... ummm it's 25 degrees outside and there's snow out there.
If you listen to the news they'd have everyone hunkered down in shelters or some foolishness. Or maybe they are right, there are plenty of dummys out there especially up here. The other thing is, people arent as tough as they used to be, certainly not as self reliant. Luckily we live in a good neighborhood, old school you could say. We get together at each others houses, Im good friends with my other neighbor whos into cars, engines, saws, firewood, tools etc. we make a lot of noise between the 2 of us. My wife has gone over and litteraly borrowed eggs and sugar more than once and we've supplied as well.
Point is, if you use a little common sense and help each other out its not that bad.
If your in a big city, well I guess things are different.
Take care up there guys . Down here in the montgomery county of pa we are calling for 4 to 6 . Thats a dusting compaired to what going to fall up the eastern seeboard.
Finished cutting and hauling a couple of loads of Sandy beech on Thurs. Lots more waiting there, next to paved surface, probably emerge from ice by early spring. Curious about splitting beech, from stories here.

Nicely stocked here, some nice reds and whites chillin for whenever. A weeks' worth of splits toasting near the stove. Saws ready, as always, if we eventually get wind. Final snowblower prep next.

If the roads are closed for days, no biggie. X-C skis and snowshoes are ready, parks nearby. Of course, after clearing out a few folks' drives.

Let's hope all just take it as it comes. Stay dry. Take pictures.
You all be safe. Take care of your family then help neighbors in need. Storms like this usually bring out the best in people.

9 Pm her on Long Island,lots of wind,snow has turned to ice/sleet/frozen rain,probably 4 to 5 inches on the ground,looks like more hype then reality.Saws,snow blower,Labatt blue,Jamesons and firewood for the old Vermont castings defiant stove,are ready!I agree,no big cities when mother nature reminds us who is really in charge!
Be safe and warm!
Send it to MN. I have not gotten any miles on my sleds yet. Makes me angry.. And the truck wants to move some snow. Heck, I want snow.. makes it harder to cut some wood! :) more of an adventure...that is :msp_tongue:
Just got back in from plowing...

We're only about half way through the storm, I decided I'd better plow before my little machine couldn't push it and I'm glad I did....

The first photo you can get an idea of how fast its coming down....:msp_ohmy:


The second photo looks like I'm stuck, but she kept on pushin'. :rock:


I parked it at the top of my driveway (I live down from the road) So I won't have to fight to get it up my 15% driveway tomorrow morn...
Just got in 20 min ago. My cousins are out plowing, I snow blow so Im gonna wait cause people complain if I do it 3 times. They lost 3 snow blowers already, one broken pull rope, one carb sheild, lost all the screws so the carb is freezing and not sure what happened to the back up. Im letting them use my 1980 8/26 Toro. I warned them to not horse it. 1st gear is set a bit too high and this is the first run since I went thru the whole machine so gotta back off on the first pass. I think the intake on that one is 24" and the snow is all of that with another 6+ hours to go. But the house is warm, wife and baby sleeping. See how it looks in a few hours then head out to the 7 places i do.
Well Joe looks like you called this one. The news reports coming in of heavy snow and power outages all over the place. Like you said nothing beats being prepared.