get together this weekend

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well this just in Gypo has bought Dennis 500 Honda to run at Dan's in the great 346 race, lets make it cold start , i want to watch Gypo start that saw, now the size of the wood most likely will be a broom handle , 1 cut so we will need someone like Dennis to time this race
ehp, I have started that 500 and got it to the wood [30"] in less than 2 seconds. Gypo will have a big advantage cutting broom handles, but so will the 346 with just one cut.

P.S. I want to see him run it too! Dennis
They should be about the same to start would you not think Dennis, so John you get good and fast with the 346 and when Dennis sends you that 500 it will be a walk in the park for you to run that 500,the 500 may out weigh your 346 by a pound or 2 but thats no biggy for a man of your size and strenght.
Dennis what side is the pipe on the 500, do you cut on the say side as a rotax, Gypo's 346 is set up that way.
What chain is on it .325 or 3/8 low pro, you know you have to make it as light as you can so why not start out with a light chain to begin with
Marky up here in 0 weather most wear nothing at all, just to da#n warm but i found the sawdust hurts sometimes if you know what i mean
I'll let you in on a little secret, Mark.&nbsp; Our flannel shirts are fleece lined.&nbsp; :<tt></tt>)
I live just to far from the city to wear that stuff , just not a yuppy i guess, now Gypo i am not sure if he is a yuppy or not but he does live alot closer to the city and could put on his passion pink jump suit and stroll up and down Jane street
Hi Ed, that's an Idea, I think I'll do that.
Anyway, I cut with the 346 today and an Art Martin chain with the 10% nitro alcohol mix you gave be with the saw.
The saw was cold, but the fuel warm, so here is the cut. The log was just shy of 14" dia., it was frozen Basswood. This is alot of fun, thanks.
yep, Gypo you got that right , it would of cut better to onthe other side , when you hit the pipe on the log you almost didnot cut your cookie off and that hurts your time. the fuel i know is rich on 10% nitro but is easier on the motor than 20% for you to learn plus you said the saw was cold and you know that is not good and if you had 20% fuel it would of ran on after the cut so a lower amount of nitro is better for now
Hey guy's I think your wood is sum fast cutting stuff!!! correct me if iam wrong, I know you have a awesome Motor but i still think your wood is real fast cutting.. RoyB:)
I have not cut your wood royb so i have no way of knowing but for the wood out here i can tell you it is alot harder than aspen or white pine plus this is frozen and when it is not frozen it cuts even faster, to compare our wood to Webster's yellow popular like last year Jerry won Webster and cutting the same size of wood he was 4 tenths slower here as most people are slower here.
now the wood you have been seeing on the video's is basswood which we donot cut in the summer time but i have most of the aspen cut near the roads so i would have to go back a ways to get aspen and in the snow it is not going to happen , so we cut basswood because it is easy to get , soon the wood should be nice and warm so the times are only going to get better and i can get some aspen that will help also in the times
Now royb , i can tell that the redwood you have been cutting is not soft in your video's but like i said i have nevercut your wood so i have no way of telling who much softer our wood is
EHP why i asked about if your wood was soft!! I was just trying to get and idea how far off my stuff would be from your's. and when i seen you cut that block of wood with your 3120 . I thought WOW iam way behind :eek: so from what i could see you have a VEREY fast 3120 and your chain looked to be the same as the motor, Roy B
that is correct to a point, like most places the trees are different from one place to another, the basswood south of me seems to be more red and it does have sand in the wood but maybe our's is a cross between basswood and some other tree , it is white as white can be plus i have cut tons of it and it doesnot dull chains at all, the only other place i have cut basswood at a show was in Quebec and it was more like southern basswood with it's red colour, maybe 036 stihlman can tell us more on how this stuff cuts compared to the other wood or just go back to his video and watch his 3120 KD cut this soft wood at the first get together with a race chain set up to cut summer wood
Gypo, it says Basswood " blunts cutters slightly". No wonder your chains don't cut! And I just thought you needed practice. Better give Art another ring and see if he's answering, or better yet run a file across those blunt cutters, slightly. LOL Dennis
Wood is very dependent on the site so much it is not funny. If you look at the Basswood cut at John's it is very white. Come down here in the Souther Tier of NY and it look like Black Walnut and is full of silica (Dull your chain fast stuff). I know that the Yellow Poplar around Deposit, NY is soft when compared to the Yellow poplar in Southern PA. 12" Round Underhand was in the 35 sec range for standing block Tuscarora Valley, PA. Normaly with white poplar the time should be in the 12-16 sec range and White Pine is Faster than that.
I know when I compete you will see the competitors looking for how the wood cuts and how big the growth rings are. And the freasher the wood ie we like very freash wood (1 day old or younger is nice) wood that is sets for any period of time shrinks and looses some moisture content.
See Ed you just had to ask and I started to rant.

royb i would not say your saws are behind at all, your wood could be harder than hell plus you were running a muffler and i was on a pipe , big difference, most time the rule on 3 cuts in 12 inch popular the pipe cuts .8 second faster than the muffler but i have not played enough with that saw to know the difference yet , it is NBlogger's muffler saw that is 3 or 4 years old and we just tried a pipe on it and that was its 5 or 6 cookie on pipe , it does seem to have a ton of torque so as we speak i am building its pipe foe this year , a couple more hundred rpm's
EHP ya i could see that that motor had alot of power:D Maybe you should go with a smaller gear and 1/2 full house chain? I read on here that . a great chain filer from california. uses a setup like that and he can't be beat you should talk with him, I think he is the man:eek:
Hi Dennis, why do you keep hanging up on me? TF does the same thing but isn't quite as polite, I guess cause I keep bugging him about chains and stuff.
What's Meat Loafs #.