get together this weekend

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ehp said:
I have heard rumors that Gypo is going to be come a sponsor with his BS hotsaws, :blob2:
I was going to, but now I'm PO'ed at Fales for laughing at my chain, so Frank and I are going into business now. He'll build the chains and I'll build the saws.
Gypo If you want someone to demo them in the cold start, I have been practicing. Im quicker'n the second bounce of an anvil in a cedar swamp! Chris Ciccora look out!
God Frank I am glad Gypo answered your question before I did cause I would of got the BS part wrong, I thought the B was for Bull and was trying to figure out a word that started with S that would go with the Bull word but sense to 2 love birds are working together you guys know what best
Alright then, got a little lull in trapping with the weather and I am planning on this springs GTG's.
What's the rules gonna be. I have that 088 with the head and want to know if I can run it with the head. Are we going to have an unlimted class for heads and pipes. What about fuel all gas class and alky class.

Let me know so I can begin panning.
All the best :)
Marky, the rules will be the same as normal but if guys show up with saws with heads on them we just make another class , so with this I would think we can have a gas worksaw with pipe class so no head and then anything goes class, Cahoon can run his bike against Gypo's 346 , Remember you can always go up in the classes but not down, so this mean that you are in the anything goes class and Ken or Russ wants to run in that class with there gas saws they can because they willnot have the power of a alcohol saw, the same with the cc classes if Marky has a 7900 for the 0-80cc class and wants to run it in the 0-100cc class he can.
I am sure there will be more alcohol saws show up now
Mark I am sure we can have one of them as well , just let me know what gauge and lenght of chain Tommy sent you
Yeah Marky....let me know too. I'd like to see more chains there than 10 of ehp's and 1 of Gypo's. Maybe even Jokers an kftree can build one this time! hahaha!

i trashed about 40ft of chain just learning to make a decent work chain.
but i'm sure i could still make a faster chain than that little ginzo..........unless he use's that ginny grease of his for chain lube.;)

i'd be more than happy to run a cahoon chain at the next gtg, should i pm you my address?:D
a chain race on the same powerhead? i'm for that. when and where is this meet again? if i can't make it i may have to send some chain with someone. who all is going from near me? of course it will have to be the round file i dont race any more.:)
In a group like this either send the best or sit back and watch. Anything less then the best you can produce isn't worth running.
Ken I will put a little Ginni grease on the chains I have here now. Baffoon thanks for the 72 drive link Christmas gift. Sorry Ken:)
Hi Mark Walhberg (aka Marky Mark and the FunkyBunch),

Have you settled the saw classes for your GTG?

Jokers had 0-50cc, 0-60cc, 0-80cc, 0-100cc and open class (all work saws, one piece heads, mufflers, gas) and then 0-50cc modified class (pipes, nitro, etc.) and open class with pipes/nitro.

There was a clause added that a work saw should be able to cut a "tank full" of cookies if asked and also common fuel source.

My suggestion is that all the saws for a class are put on a pallet. Some neutral observer would dump the fuel and add new fuel. The saws stay on the pallet until the owner retrieves the saw for cutting in full view of all attending (minus those huddled near the grill eating ribs).

Great ideas about fueling the saws and quarantining them Bob. I`ll be the impartial fueler and I`ll also tweak the carbs while I`m at it. ;)

On a more serious not however, what sense does a chain race make? Are we really supposed to believe that Marky makes his own chain or that Gypo could make his chain that good without a $2,000 grinder? If you guys want to have a chain race, let`s do it like The Game of Logging does. Everybody starts with an equally blunted round filed chain, then field sharpens it and makes time cuts. Some of the boys with West Coast connections and fat bank rolls are going to get their ***** handed to them. I`ll bet $5k of Simon`s money on this! :laugh:

Dennis, as sincerely as I`m your buddy when I talk to you on the phone I`m still your buddy now, but the endless allusion to Gypo or Marky being equipment underdogs at the "ehp show" is getting old and lame.

jokers said:
Everybody starts with an equally blunted round filed chain, then field sharpens it and makes time cuts.

Great idea russ, i'm down for that race. i also think there should be a time limit on the sharpening time. this way marky doesn't pay to fly up dennis and have him sharpen his chain while hideing behind the wood shed.