Hi Mark Walhberg (aka Marky Mark and the FunkyBunch),
Have you settled the saw classes for your GTG?
Jokers had 0-50cc, 0-60cc, 0-80cc, 0-100cc and open class (all work saws, one piece heads, mufflers, gas) and then 0-50cc modified class (pipes, nitro, etc.) and open class with pipes/nitro.
There was a clause added that a work saw should be able to cut a "tank full" of cookies if asked and also common fuel source.
My suggestion is that all the saws for a class are put on a pallet. Some neutral observer would dump the fuel and add new fuel. The saws stay on the pallet until the owner retrieves the saw for cutting in full view of all attending (minus those huddled near the grill eating ribs).