Got a line on Super xl XL-925 Cylinders and pistons new

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Calvin, this has been going on for years now. I'm not trying to kick a guy when he's down, but you're obviously begging for attention. This has to stop. GET HELP. That's all I've got to say on the matter.
Calvin, this has been going on for years now. I'm not trying to kick a guy when he's down, but you're obviously begging for attention. This has to stop. GET HELP. That's all I've got to say on the matter.

:agree2: Ive not even been a member for a year, and I cant count how many times Ive herd this. He does need help, but were just wasting our breath of course.
Hmmm, and to think I was just gonna get ahold of you about an intake boot for a PM800 and some chain presets?...:dizzy:
i have a question for you walt just went to my credit card merchant acct and it shows one open claim on that claim says amount 60.00 said
Cardholder did not receive merchandise ordered by stated date on documentation

you know i have sent the parts off to you my question is why the chargeback ?
Should i say the charge back was sent yesterday to my acct 12-15-2010
when did i tell you i sent the parts off almost three days ago

kind of shows how people really are in todays society

thank you for hurting me even further in debt

cancelled the status on that gift certificate you purchased since you seem to be getting FREE PARTS now

1) What is the relevance of this to the thread that you started?

2) If the question is for Walt, why is it not sent directly to him rather than posted in the forum? That is why the PM feature is included in the website software.

3) Remember the story about the boy who cried wolf? We are just a bunch of guys who tinker with and collect chain saws are none of us are qualified to help you through your problems. HOWEVER, I am confident that there are people in your local area that are and would be more than willing to assist you with your issues. Your time would be much better spent seeking them out than providing us with the latest iteration of why the world is against you.
nice knowing you im out of here and i dont mean just this site i mean this world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DONT DO IT CALVIN!!!!!!!!!! Your sad-sack-gloom-and-doom-I'm-a-lazy-azz-40+-year-old-man-that-still-lives-with-my-parents-and-hides-behind-God-and-tries-to-make-a-living-on-the-internet-selling-junk-no-one-wants-and-Im-broke-please-give-me-money-posts are some of the funniest stuff I read on here. I would hate to loose the resident lunitic, the site would never be the same!
Thats a part lot I would like to get for myself and split with a few others here. The 925 stuff would be worth something and probably the SXL and EZAO but you would have to get it at a decent price and market it well.

Best bet would be to use alot of it and go threw the 925's in the picture and get them running then ebay them. Alot of work and time and if you don't get it cheap then its a waste of time unfortunately. It would be great to have some of that stuff though.
I ordered parts from you on Oct 26, 2010. As of 12/13/10 I did not get them, so yes I called and had them credit my account, by some miracle the parts showed up two days now I naturally will call them back and you will get the money, I wish you had taken the time away from your Internet crying and bible studies to send them sooner, maybe if you did your business would be legit.
i have a question for you walt just went to my credit card merchant acct and it shows one open claim on that claim says amount 60.00 said
Cardholder did not receive merchandise ordered by stated date on documentation

you know i have sent the parts off to you my question is why the chargeback ?
Should i say the charge back was sent yesterday to my acct 12-15-2010
when did i tell you i sent the parts off almost three days ago

kind of shows how people really are in todays society

thank you for hurting me even further in debt

cancelled the status on that gift certificate you purchased since you seem to be getting FREE PARTS now
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Now that is settled, go close the deal for me on the Homelites and I'll pay you $200.00 to crate them up, that's nice coin for a couple hours work. Turn your focus to business and good things will happen for you and your family, everyone has hard times. I lost my dad two weeks ago and stepped outside at his wake to handle business calls, life goes on man, some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield! would one go about figuring what all those parts go to ?
Usually you can look up a part # and a card will tell you which bin it is in.
Seems like it'd be a nightmare to figure it in reverse. would one go about figuring what all those parts go to ?
Usually you can look up a part # and a card will tell you which bin it is in.
Seems like it'd be a nightmare to figure it in reverse.

I offered a grand to get the saws, I plan on hanging the parts on my tree for decorations
Now that is settled, go close the deal for me on the Homelites and I'll pay you $200.00 to crate them up, that's nice coin for a couple hours work.

One small problem, Calvin is in North Carolina and the "stash" is in Indiana. You are probably closer than he is.... would one go about figuring what all those parts go to ?
Usually you can look up a part # and a card will tell you which bin it is in.
Seems like it'd be a nightmare to figure it in reverse.

Always had a goal to do a reverse lookup database where you can search by a part number and reference the part description and saws it is applicable to. Started just a little and it turned into what seemed an impossible job.

Seriously though, after you play with a bunch of different Homelites, you'll get to where you can look at a part and at least 80% you'll have a good idea at least some saws it belongs on.

I ordered parts from you on Oct 26, 2010. As of 12/13/10 I did not get them, so yes I called and had them credit my account, by some miracle the parts showed up two days now I naturally will call them back and you will get the money, I wish you had taken the time away from your Internet crying and bible studies to send them sooner, maybe if you did your business would be legit.

:hmm3grin2orange: What the hell? No wonder he cant sell anything, you have to actually ship the stuff, I guess that takes time away from crying . would one go about figuring what all those parts go to ?
Usually you can look up a part # and a card will tell you which bin it is in.
Seems like it'd be a nightmare to figure it in reverse.

if those boxes are all correctly organized its not too hard. The box will have a low number and a high number like 55890-56111.

next thing is look at your IPL's for the valuable saws and start looking for bags matching the money part numbers.

If the parts don't fit the bigger saws you got hosed.

I went through an inventory spanning 1950 to 1980. Spent about a month doing it.
Tell me more sir Guido.

I went back to Post #31 and copied what Calvin wrote:

"i can tell him im not interested cannot afford that much i told him he probil;y wont get anyone interested in 4 k for it

the person resides

5 hrs or so north from louisville ky

in indiana

im going to ask him how much just for the sxlao and 925 new parts
he emailed tons of obsolete homelite dealers

so never know what will happen i guess start watching ebay or something for the 925 sxl cylinders i know there is a demand for them things

is billg in indiana"
It will be sad if he really does kill himself. But it sounds like he dont even have the nuts to do that.

Calvin, you could of made $20 $30 bucks off me for those poulan parts i wanted but you chose to just dilly dally around and not get back to me. You did it, to yourself. You have no business in spending 4k in homelite parts. When you just mentioned your internet and cell phone are getting shut off today in the Poulan thread.

I will be straight up, you need help go and seek it get on a straight line again. Your worse then a woman right now.