Granberg File-N-Joint, Revisited

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Been a while. I picked up a few more at garage sales and eBay to add to the 'stable' (cheaper, and takes up less space than collecting large displacement chainsaws).

Also, some comparisons with the similar STIHL models (referenced on first page, Post #11):

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STIHL FG1 - looks similar / identical to the Tecomec versions.

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STIHL FG 2 (bench mounted version) with older and current models of Granberg file guides - note differences in scale.

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STIHL FG 2 (bench mounted version) and FG 3 (bar mounted version - but much larger than FG 1)


Can you buy the bench mount ones still or do you have to find them used. A buddy has tried to get me on the bar mount one and I think easier to get onto it with the bench mount on first.
Can you buy the bench mount ones still or do you have to find them used. A buddy has tried to get me on the bar mount one and I think easier to get onto it with the bench mount on first.
The STIHL FG2 is (was) the most common bench mount version (I only saw that Granberg, a few post back, in that post). You can find them used with some persistence, or on Bay periodically if you are willing to pay $250, or if you know someone living/traveling/deployed in Europe (where they may still be available).

If you have some mechanical skills, with a little creativity you could modify a basic Granberg type guide for bench mounting by combining it with some type of filing vise (please post photos in this thread if you do!!!).

I don't use mine a lot, but when I do, it is typically mounted on a spare bar clamped in a machinist's vise (without the saw powerhead); if it is set up and adjusted correctly the filing jig holds the cutters secure enough to get good results with a sharp file.

Not a Granberg but thought it might be of interest.


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Have not tried it yet.

I like the standard Granberg guides, but a little leery about the stones wearing and changing diameter.

Ok, I thought perhaps you had that one. I have been looking at it with interest, shouldn't be difficult to get diamonds bits that fits if it has a standard diameter chuck/mount.
According to Granberg it uses the 'standard', 1/8" diameter threaded shaft grinding stones, used on several grinders of this type (some use smooth shaft stones): Depending on how fast these wear, and the user's awareness of the wear, they still could be an acceptable product. They are used by many folks on many Granberg, Oregon, STIHL, Dremel, and similar rotary chainsaw sharpeners.

A few years back, a member no longer here, at a company no longer in business, was offering these in CBN/ABN (the long life abrasive used on some, plated chain grinder wheels) from an Australian company. These also appear to be 'no longer available', and are not listed on their website:

Eze-Lap diamond stones were intended for carbide chains, as I understand, but could be used on standard chain?

The STIHL FG2 is (was) the most common bench mount version (I only saw that Granberg, a few post back, in that post). You can find them used with some persistence, or on Bay periodically if you are willing to pay $250, or if you know someone living/traveling/deployed in Europe (where they may still be available).

If you have some mechanical skills, with a little creativity you could modify a basic Granberg type guide for bench mounting by combining it with some type of filing vise (please post photos in this thread if you do!!!).

I don't use mine a lot, but when I do, it is typically mounted on a spare bar clamped in a machinist's vise (without the saw powerhead); if it is set up and adjusted correctly the filing jig holds the cutters secure enough to get good results with a sharp file.


Philbert, sorry I am a few years late. I mounted an older Gransberg to one of Homelite410 vices some years ago, then in 2018 I got a little fancy and made this two sided bench top rig while trying to convert the Gransberg to square filing. Still a work in progress trying to get the angles right and modifying the base for clearance.

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No news here. The Stihl is much more robust but doesn't have the up and down angle range of the Gransberg necessary to square file. I set this up to pass time while sitting at the basement stove, but it was so warm I didn't burn much last year and have yet to light a fire this winter. For the most part, I round grind my chains. Ron
The ABN "stones" are still made. This place in the UK sells them. You almost need to do a group buy or pick up other items to justify the shipping charge though. I was thinking with the standard stones you could really use the 7/32" stones until they were small enough for narrow kerf chain. I'll find out. I picked up a big lot of NOS oregon stones on eBay.
Got contact info for that place that sells the ABN/CBN stones?

There is a range of quality in the conventional abrasive stones, as well as the threaded shafts needed on some grinders.

I bought the oregon sharpener about 25 years ago after paying to have my chains sharpened and seeing how much they ground off. The laser was my father-in-laws and it's got to be 35 or 40 years old. They both work great! I do use the length stop. I use calipers to find the shortest tooth and set the length off that one for the rest.


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