Great press for Boston arborist

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ArboristSite Guru
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Gee, this guy looks familiar, I think he's a protege of the legendary DonnyO!

Good write-up, page 20 Boston Magazine, July issue. I think movie offers are next.
Sexy Man!

I am going to get my copy autographed next time I see him out at that QUIET Sout Boston eatery.

Seriously,.. Congrats!
thanks moss

I learned a thing or two about how writers can twist quotes around to fit their agenda.

All in all it has been a positive thing though.
I learned a thing or two about how writers can twist quotes around to fit their agenda.

All in all it has been a positive thing though.

The second a media representative starts writing words, shooting video or photos the double-edged sword is in effect. The results can be sloppy reporting (WTF, I didn't say that!), misrepresentation (reporter's agenda takes over) or unexpected consequences (call the spin doctor!). In this case the writer did a good job, no massive inaccuracies noticed except maybe the part about planting a 100+foot sycamore in Beacon Hill :) Would like to see that :biggrinbounce2:

I like the idea of a neighborhood having a signature tree species, very cool. How about palm trees along the beach in Southie?
Yeah where's a copy of the text? People around the world want to see how a positive image of an arborist is portrayed! Nice pun in the title btw.

With newspapers and fluff mags you can expect some twisting, so yeah if there are no lies you got off good. In technical magazines, the subject of an article should get to review what is said, and the writer of an article should be closely consulted on every change. At Arborist News, the editors will explain every comma that is changed, because they are all about accuracy.

Other mags are learning that mistakes are expensive ("put lag bolts in decayed wood"):angry: , so their editing is bound to improve.

Stand up and say it loud, say it proud, OTG!
ha ha ha.......the ladies in the office at the light dept. where reading that article; they asked me if I could set them up.....I said unfortunatly OTG is a married man..........

nice article I really enjoyed it!
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Trees for Finway Park

That'd be me.

In the artical it said request for trees to be planted would come through your department.
I would like to see 15 thousand fruiting Mulberries planted around the parking lots and the grounds of Fenway Park. This would be great for the birds and critters,
Thank you very much
NewYork Yankees fan
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First of all your from western NY. NOt really even part of NY, more like Canada, or not even, Western NY is more like Bosnia... I had a teacher from out there, besides rochester he said most of western ny is garbage dumping grounds for the rest of the state. Literally... I spoke with a garbage man and he confimred that all the garbage from downstate and upstate goes out to bosnia.. I mean swestern NY.... Finway is called Fenway, not sure if you graduated second grade or not.
In the artical it said request for trees to be planted would come through your department.
I would like to see 15 thousand fruiting Mulberries planted around the parking lots and the grounds of Finway Park. This would be great for the birds and critters,
Thank you very much
NewYork Yankees fan

Ya...I bet you would...........considering the Red Sox have the best record in baseball, and as for the Yankees well, as we say in Beantown the Yankee's suck!
Ya...I bet you would...........considering the Red Sox have the best record in baseball, and as for the Yankees well, as we say in Beantown the Yankee's suck!

{avatar voice}

Very Nice!

{/avatar voice}

Climbing on up,
Wasn't there going to be a little climbing gathering sometime, seems
summer is here.

Been doing a little srt and managed to sneak up to about 100'
but well, trimming on the way up and stuff on a huge triple, I was
getting slightly tired so called it done before I was finished. Used the
french prussik and backed up with an 8 for the decent, too much
pine pitch on the line and the prussik would jam up if I went too

Would love to get some more pointers from the heavy hitters.
