Great press for Boston arborist

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In the artical it said request for trees to be planted would come through your department.
I would like to see 15 thousand fruiting Mulberries planted around the parking lots and the grounds of Fenway Park. This would be great for the birds and critters,
Thank you very much
NewYork Yankees fan

And when no one can see to drive because their windshield is convered in purple bird poo can we give them your name? :laugh:
And when no one can see to drive because their windshield is convered in purple bird poo can we give them your name?

I'm pretty sure that was the whole idea...
Not bad for a nu yaarker
First off, the tree of heaven does not suck!

However the yankess.......they really suck!
Boston Bull

I couldn't pass up a chance to bump my thread.

Boston Bull is pictured in the new catalog for New England Grows. I couldn't find the pic online but do have a hardcopy. Can I get an autograph Jim?

Personally I think your avatar picture is much better than the one they chose.............................:laugh:
First off, the tree of heaven does not suck!

I agree, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Ailanthus...



It's behind my neighbor's house, top blew out onto communications cables, no electric. Verizon owns the pole, inspector came out and looked at it, said "not a problem" and walked away. Been like that for 3 weeks :) Anyone want to quote getting the limb off the wires? :) Some potential to get a small bucket truck in there, it's a tight squeeze. No room for a crane.

To bad there's no denial of service, I've been thinking of getting on top of it and jumping up and down to move things along. The pole is severely stressed it already had a 90 degree redirect of all the cable before the tree hit, it's all going to come down eventually.
In the artical it said request for trees to be planted would come through your department.
I would like to see 15 thousand fruiting Mulberries planted around the parking lots and the grounds of Fenway Park. This would be great for the birds and critters,
Thank you very much
NewYork Yankees fan

Do you mean that as if you would also like the trees to be systemically injected with liquid Ex-Lax ? :D

I have seen that peice of ailianthus, its right on a side street off of south street, I forget the name. We must live awfully close...Let me know if you want ot do some rec climbing before it gets to chilly..(although I will be climbing monsters all winter)
thats VZ

It's behind my neighbor's house, top blew out onto communications cables, no electric. Verizon owns the pole, inspector came out and looked at it, said "not a problem" and walked away. Been like that for 3 weeks :) Anyone want to quote getting the limb off the wires? :) Some potential to get a small bucket truck in there, it's a tight squeeze. No room for a crane.

To bad there's no denial of service, I've been thinking of getting on top of it and jumping up and down to move things along. The pole is severely stressed it already had a 90 degree redirect of all the cable before the tree hit, it's all going to come down eventually.
The same company that suspended me indefinitely and took me back 4 days later with all my back pay.....i guess thats what happens when the monkeys are running the zoo.
good stuff

Great articles and keep up the good work in the '' dirty bean'' . On a side note i thought bean town came from the candy Boston baked beans. I don't know but its good eats .
I have seen that peice of ailianthus, its right on a side street off of south street, I forget the name. We must live awfully close...Let me know if you want ot do some rec climbing before it gets to chilly..(although I will be climbing monsters all winter)

I missed your post back in October, funny that you saw that. I'm on 47 Custer with the huge Honey Locust in back. I climb all winter so we'll get a chance to do a climb. Got some good tall woods trees in the general area to check out. I'm going down to the TCIA rec climb on Saturday that Greg is organizing so if you make it I'll see you there.

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