Westboastfaller, no one ever said anything about a near miss, that's putting words in someone elses mouth. In the midwest US the fallers are usually cutting one on one, up to three fallers to one skidder depending on the circumstances. A common way to deal w a knot head skidder man is for the fallers to gradually ease up. then a chainfiling, a filter change or nature break by one or more can get him caught up to the point he takes a break or finds some way to loaf. The fallers tie in and cut solid and swamp him. In alot of outfits the skidder operators dont go home until the days cut is on the landing.
I never said he was wrong for quitting, thats his call. I never said anyone else was wrong for telling him he did the right thing. In all likelyhood he made a good decision,
BUT, when Matthew went to work that morning he had a wife, 4 kids, one w special needs, and probably like most younger family guys, bills, bills, and more bills. it just irks the crap out of me that at the end of the day, he still had the same responsibilities, but no job, the drunk still did. I have yet to see a logging or forestry crew yet that cant make life so intolerable for a person that they wont quit. And nothing illegal, immoral, or dangerous need take place. A missing lunch bucket one day, a snake in it the next, their personal pick-up up on blocks at quitting time, etc. We're not exactly talking about a bunch a girl scouts here, they're loggers.
And just for the record, at present I run a saw and oversee the daytime field operations for a forestry company that is owned by a man w a daytime federal govt job. He is VERY clear about the fact that im in charge while he is absent. NOT ONE of the crew has to worry about working with a drunk, a stoner, or a COCKY dangerous co-worker because I wont tolerate any of it for 2 minutes!!!
I'm glad you run a clean professional ship,*RESPECT*Having said that I would have expected a different response from you.
its not that he quit because his wrist was sore or he's c**t struck (maybe those to are related) anyway you are indeed been the one that's suggestive, that's your quote below.
Of course it exists in industry, I myself in 28 years of work, 25 been saw related, have only one experience with this, the only two other people were drinking and one been the contractor.
Well I looked back and he's in me falling zone with a tree hung up that he proceeded to fence post down. It was facing away and I took my eye of him for a bit and looked back and the tree was just about to strike me I attempted to run and got hit with the top between the shoulder blades. Then a fist fight, then
3 years later I get skidded of a job because the client recognized me from that crew and he remembered it as we were all drinking. One experience and I lost two jobs, got in a fight and was about 2 ft from getting killed.
"There are many ways to get a skidder operators attention"
Well that statement would be true but were talking about nothing different that a perpetual drunk driver and at one point was passed out at the wheel, IDN, I know a lot of fallers would shake their axe at him and say " You c_ _ck sucker better not come within 500 ft of me" If he didn't listen to that he better hope he's got good FOPS in place..
Know a faller that got back at a cat operator that would had killed him had he not just moved to the other side and he told the guy he was working there. He waited for him as he had about a two ft tree set up to go off a bank and laid it over his roof. Scared the piss out of him and he never came where he worked again.
"You just pack out and quit everytime something going on you dont like, you'll get the reputation as a whiner. Believe me, contractors and owners talk to each other. Surprises me that someone smart enough to go to engineering school couldnt figure out something better than to pack out and quit. Fallers have many ways to get a skidder operators attention."
I wasn't trying to make out you said something you didn't, I was just saying HE'S DRUNK!!! He will have more near misses, hurt someone or kill someone. Its senseless, no excuse for it and no excuse to remain working in that environment. The worker that puts up with it, or the D' bag that employs 'THAT' is no better.
A D' bag like that May as well sell people for money.