Second on the tire here. I split almost a pickup full of cedar kindling last fall in that manner, should last me a few years now.
cedar kindling is killer kindling! IMO, the best! I keep old cedar fence slats just for that purpose. i inspect each one for nails, screws etc... and stack up a load 12-15 boards high... then with tape i mark of = lengths 6-8" or so... and mark. then cut section by section with chain saw. these i then turn into kindling with camp hatchet. i always wear leather gloves!!!

safety glasses!! and i take my time. sit down, put piece of the cedar on splitting block... whack... whack... whack! each piece splinters off nicely... and has its own thrust and so with big bucket... off they fly into it. well, most. lol... pieces maybe 1/2" x 1/2" some more, some less. i have tons of pine twigs coming out of my tall pines... i collect and hand break into small kindling, but always start my fires and campfire (almost daily for me) with paper, and the cedar kindling, maybe some pine needles... and a handful of the pine twig kindling + some other lil trix.... the cedar is real dry, nice stuff! near clear and very straight! lites up

gets after the pine kindling... and the pine needles there if a
in flash heat is needed, desired. then i add larger stix as fire takes off. here is a pix of a typical morning campfire with coffee for me...

. maybe a thread on the ways we like to start our fires would be interesting to do... i could post up half dozen pix or so... i bet many
PyroPals... have unique ways they use. maybe we could call the thread:
PyroPals -
How do you start your fires?... camp, fireplace and stoves... heaters, too. shall we start it?.... what do you think?...
morning campfire coffee with
Brutus. [near daily event]