I've been burning wood a long time. Until I came to AS, my favored type of kindling was a jug of diesel by the stove. I've reformed though, no need to smack me around for it. From there, it was mostly splitter trash and noodles if I had em handy. It worked good, but tended to be a bit messy. I kind of migrated to resplitting smaller pieces for kindling with a hatchet, but it wasn't a lot of fun.
Since I got my Fiskars X-7, that changed. I'm now a kindling splitting junkie. This little guy makes it fun, if I could make a living selling kindling I'd do it 12 hours a day. It's become a game of mine to see how small I can split stuff, about 1/4x3/8" is my record right now.
Problem is, I'm run flat out of storage containers. Wonder what's on sale in town?
Yes, I am a bit strange, I like being strange. Normal sucks.