Kindling making

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OK Steve,

Passed by a hardware store having a sale, walked by the garden tools, and adopted a small, black and orange tool made in Finland. We'll see how it gets along with it's larger family members.

Handle feels kinda smooth on the X7. Hockey tape?


I've been splitting in the rain when logs slip out of my leather gloves...but the Fiskars doesn't.

So I'd give it a try before you tape it up.

(Caveat...I haven't use my hatchet in the rain, so maybe the smaller handle is a bit slicker...but I doubt it...)

Do want to try do some "easy" splits by holding the ax closer to the head...I've had a bunch of secondary splitting last week I really didn't need a full, or even half, swing of an ax.

Was kind of thinking something like a [dead blow hammer | mallet | Mjölnir ] with a splitting edge would be ideal to just thunk 'em.

May even try out the X7 size hatchet I have, never used it for splitting before.

The heavy boxes have been working out so well, I have started using them to bring wood into the house.

The Fiskars X7, however, seem a little light. Will give it till the end of the season. As you can see, I also keep smaller branches (anything thicker than my thumb) to use as kindling, so maybe I am trying to split larger stuff with the little Fiskars than you are?


The Fiskars X7, however, seem a little light. Will give it till the end of the season. As you can see, I also keep smaller branches (anything thicker than my thumb) to use as kindling, so maybe I am trying to split larger stuff with the little Fiskars than you are?


I've tried mine on some bigger oak splits. If it's nice and straight grained, it'll do it. If it's even a bit stringy, it's the wrong tool for the job. It's great for what I need it for, but it's never gonna be a serious splitter.