Kindling making

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You read the thread, bought the snake oil and now you post a victim impact statement:D

Thats what happens when you read these forums:D

I could use a good hatchet and after reading I looked at one as well. Didn't buy but I'd take the opinion from someone here with experience than buying one blindly... I don't see what's wrong with that. I've blown $22 on less.

I think that if I can find a good USA made one I'll probably go with that. Not that's there's nothing wrong with Fiskars or any others for that matter, it looks like a high-quality product and seems to be highly rated.
Storage containers???
Why not just stack it like cord wood?? :msp_biggrin:

We run a cord easy of kinling easily annually for firestarting and for situational burning in the cookstove, mostly to quicken the oven in the cookstove for baking. My picture taker is charging at the moment, but I'll try to nab a pic of my collection of kindlin and stove-sized pekka poles for this thread soon. (If my mind wanders and I forget, WI Steve can bust me about the noggin with a pinch bar for not making good on a commitment :D )
Addendum: the 7-yo boy has taken to my nice 3lb hatchet I use to split kindlin. No cajoling by be - just his own initiative,

If for nothing more, making kindling is a great gateway drug to nab him onto the virtues of woodheat.
You read the thread, bought the snake oil and now you post a victim impact statement:D

Thats what happens when you read these forums:D

Looks like I accomplished what I set out to do. Someone else here convinced me I needed the X-7, I'm just returning the favor.


We run a cord easy of kinling easily annually for firestarting and for situational burning in the cookstove, mostly to quicken the oven in the cookstove for baking. My picture taker is charging at the moment, but I'll try to nab a pic of my collection of kindlin and stove-sized pekka poles for this thread soon. (If my mind wanders and I forget, WI Steve can bust me about the noggin with a pinch bar for not making good on a commitment :D )

Careful, 'booga. I've got a 6 footer 1 1/4" around for lining up the pins on the tractor loader. It'd knock ya clear to Avalancherville, if not turn ya into a Vandelay altogether. :D

Must be heating season again, good to see ya back around here. Make sure to keep watch over anything you don't want tipped over, I remember being 7 with a dull axe myself. (Dad, even way back then, knew better than to let me handle sharp objects. Sometimes Dads are pretty smart!)
We run a cord easy of kinling easily annually for firestarting and for situational burning in the cookstove, mostly to quicken the oven in the cookstove for baking. My picture taker is charging at the moment, but I'll try to nab a pic of my collection of kindlin and stove-sized pekka poles for this thread soon. (If my mind wanders and I forget, WI Steve can bust me about the noggin with a pinch bar for not making good on a commitment :D )

Kinlin to the left - behind it is poor quality punky stuff that'll see the stove in March, April, and May. 3 cords of deep winter cordwood in the stall to the right.View attachment 263044

Can't fool us! We know you got your *seekrit stash* of primo woosher wood ultra small splits hidden in the trunk of that old desoto out back in the weeds....
I have to store stuff in my garage, so I started using heavy weight corrugated boxes - even the open side ones that you find at the warehouse clubs. They let me stack the smaller wood in units that are not too heavy, and let me carry them that way into the house. Stack easily. Free. Reusable. If they only last one trip, they go into the recycling pile. Also use some Rubbermaid style totes that I got a while back, but would not buy these if I had access to the cardboard.

While I have the X 25 and X 27 now I have to find out how the X-7 is; it's on order since last Tuesday I'll have to try it out on these


Fir 2"x 6" x 16" I knew I got all those for a reason :msp_ohmy:

PS: with the rain we have had the last few day's the water level in the back yard by the wood shed is one row up on that stack of 2"x 6"
And the prize for the neatest woodstack ever goes to ---- H 2 H !!!!!!
Can't fool us! We know you got your *seekrit stash* of primo woosher wood ultra small splits hidden in the trunk of that old desoto out back in the weeds....

Nope - that's where I hide my tobacko, ****ey magz, and some pear moonshine from teh missus. Had to stash in the desoto since I already salvaged all the wood in the old Chevvys for kinlen:msp_tongue:
Had a thought..never seen like a cheese grater type splitting wedge attachment for a splitter, just to make kindling.

Well, they do make toothpicks out of birch logs somewhere don't they?

After reading this thread I went and bought the x7 for myself.

Looks like I accomplished what I set out to do. Someone else here convinced me I needed the X-7, I'm just returning the favor.

I can see where this is going. Although, Fiskars Acquisition Disorder is just another 'F.A.D.'

Well, they do make toothpicks out of birch logs somewhere don't they?

I can seriously see you driving your fingers down onto the axe this way. If you really do not like to swing a hatchet for making kindling, you should look into a froe to keep your hands clear.

I can see where this is going. Although, Fiskars Acquisition Disorder is just another 'F.A.D.'


That would be pretty tough to do seeing how my fingers are basically already to either side of the cutting edge
Just picked up some heavy fruit boxes at the supermarket because of this thread, and it's your fault, Steve!


OK, fine. I take that blame, but YOU are responsible for me having to empty this handy kindling sized box I found:

While I have the X 25 and X 27 now I have to find out how the X-7 is; it's on order since last Tuesday I'll have to try it out on these


Fir 2"x 6" x 16" I knew I got all those for a reason :msp_ohmy:

PS: with the rain we have had the last few day's the water level in the back yard by the wood shed is one row up on that stack of 2"x 6"

Time to go and try it out

You read the thread, bought the snake oil and now you post a victim impact statement:D

Thats what happens when you read these forums:D

count another one in. i read this and went straight to and ordered one. $19 through them, $26 delivered to my door. seems they always have good deals. no place local has fiskars so id either have to drive 50 miles or pay the shipping so it was the better route for me.

....I needed a new hatchet anyway:hmm3grin2orange:
Cold enough today to start digging into the corners of garage for this stuff.

Corrugated boxes of splitting scraps/knots too ugly to stack; grocery bag of wood shop kindling; old Rubbermaid containers of twigs bigger than my thumb. It all burns clean in the fireplace insert.

The Rubbermaid totes were picked up cheap at garage sales. We are also into 5 gallon buckets for wood.


