Have you ever seen Mark Chisholm climb?

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have you ever seen Mark Chisholm climb?

  • NO never

    Votes: 17 42.5%
  • YES only in competition... no prunning or chainsaw use

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • YES indoor demonstration only

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Yes seen him prune and/or remove a few trees

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Yes worked with him on the job many times

    Votes: 7 17.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by NickfromWI
I am lying about this. Mark never beat me in a footlock race. Mark's an honest man. He'll speak the truth.
As opposed to you?  This was just too easy!

How can we believe someone who's so honest about lying?  hahaha!

Oh, I never said we raced! We were too busy trying to make a little money for Aspen!

Gotta read between the lines.

In a 50', I'm sure mark would smoke me by a good 15-25 seconds. I'm no speed demon.

Do tell! And let me know how I can use it to beat mark at footlocking!


ps- post a pic for us!
I have to say I was extremely disappointed in the crane video... there was so much more useful information that was not included... I talked to Mark about it and he understood, saying "they" wanted to pretty much stick to the ANSi guidelines for the script.. that's pretty limitted....

So some might rightfully accuse me of considering him a tree climbing "God", but not a video production "God".... It's one thing to be good at something, and another to be able to teach and produce educational material to connect and communicate with students...

I have never seen an educational video for professioanl arborists that impressed me.....
That's probably because (with few exceptions) those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

This is rubbish I think Erik. I know many great teachers who still "do" their respective craft.

Danile, Have yuo seen the Art and Science of Practical Rigging video? I think it's one of the best.

The video's i've seen.

Personally I own absolutely no video except the toss splicing video. However my uncle who i worked for has a plethera of them. Not including the chisolm crane video or the art and science vid.(way too much $$$) However i have read the A&S book.(nothing spectacular) Video wise those which i've seen were pretty pathetic. Maybe could teach a guy who had very limited experience. However, i think do to everyone being worried about following the rules. Many times necessary information is passed by/left out b/c of this. These are the things you wind up having to learn by trial and error. Many of us come to the boards to search for the finer details of our trade.
I disagree w/ the comment of teachers not being able to do the work.

Tom's a great teacher, and I've worked w/ him. From everything i've seen He'll GET ER DONE!
Seriously, though, I have met a few excellent climbers who are also good teachers. However, teaching someone in a workshop or on the jobsite is a completely different thing from producing an educational video. It's a totally different medium that requires a different set of skills to use effectively. That being said I haven't seen the crane video, or the Practical Rigging videos, although I have heard good things about those.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it I have only met one excellent climber who was also a good teacher. Of course, seeing as how I haven't met too many excellent climbers that doesn't mean much.
Erik, having worked with Mark, the person who made the video we're talking about, I must attest that he is a very good teacher. He is familiar with so many climbing styles, he can watch you climb a few times, then start explaining things to you in a way that YOU understand. That's when I start calling someone a teacher. Experts often understand things but have trouble relaying their knowledge to us commoners. A teacher can speak at both levels. Maybe Mark is the exception to your rule, or maybe you just never had a good teacher:D Or maybe it's the students fault:eek:


ps- fact is, I've heard that comment many times in the past (The one about those who can't, teach) and for whatever reason, it offends me.
I do concur!:blob2:
