I live on a farm where I am the point guy for woodcutting, and we heat 4 households with wood, I'm guessing we go through 8-10 cords of wood a year. I currently have a Husky 336, a completely awesome small saw I use for limbing and medium work, an amazing little saw for it's size. I also have a Jonserud 2150 with a 20" bar I use for bigger work, and it's a plenty decent saw, but I have had a string of issues with it and I'm considering a replacement. I would love a Husky XP model of some sort, but the price is too much for me to justify. I have the option of getting a used Husky 350 for around $150, or a Jonserud CS 2245 for that or a little less. I have read that the 350 is almost an XP model. I have read the 2245 is ok. A man I know who used to run a Husky shop said a Husky 55 is a good older saw to get if you can find on in good shape. I may want to get into a saw I could run 3/8 chain as a mechanic at my local shop said it's more versatile for chains available for faster cutting, something about the rakers I can't recall. I'm a slighter build guy so I don't want a heavy saw, and with how incredible my 336 is I would think the lightest saw I can find with the power I want will suffice, but wanting 3/8 chain may preclude that, but I could certainly go with 325 like I have been. Thoughts and advice please?