Man... just take out the spark plug look into the cylinder and raise the piston up to the top of the cylinder. Stick a pencil or some thing in the plug hole and rotate the crank in small increments until the pencil stops going up and down "Zero" the wheel there..... this will be CLOSE. to fine tune and get true TDC just follow either one of the methods from TW or 4paws from above. If the piston stops at 89° one way and 91° the other then your wheel is off by 1°... move it.
When you've found TDC rotate the crankshaft through it's cycle look at when the top edge of the piston passes the top edge of the ports and record the numbers on the wheel and tell us what they are.
All of this a bit academic at this point because of the HUGE free port you have at TDC but it's best to learn something from your mistakes.
Porting with a router