Hey Rocky, Do You Know Theses Guys?

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ArboristSite Guru
Mar 13, 2002
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kendall n.y.
Rock, just wondering if you might happen to know these little fella's? LOL They were in a tree that I recently cut down and my youngest son wouldn't leave them behind. The consequences of bringing your kids to the job with you!!! They were about 4 weeks old when we got them a week ago and they are doing fine. We we are rehabing them and will return them to the wild when they are ready. We found a website that walks you throught the rehab step by step. So far so good.


The picture is my son and his "friend"
The less you handle them, the quicker they will adapt back to the wild. If you make them tame, you have to keep them, or euthanize them. Otherwise nature will do the job for ya.

FWIW, I had a fat Fox squirrel for 12 years. He wuz cool.
I have one now hew was a little over a month when i found him. He's been around for about a month and a half now. Doing really well. Still pretty wild though. I've learned one lesson so far. Don't allow him to climb on you if you don' t have a shirt on. Wow, does that hurt. I plan on keeping him around. He's cheaper to care for than a dog.
One squirrel by himself won't get wild NEAR as wild as two or more together. Ya gotta get rid of em as soon as ya can.
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Brian, they're doin' fine. The wife and kids are really getting attached to them. OK..OK so am I :eek: I really didn't want anything to do with them but the longer we have them the cooler they get. It's going to be tough to let them go....we may end up keeping them as pets as long as they don't get into too much trouble ;)

Butch, they'll be OK, I'll get Brian to teach me "squirrel talk" :D If that doesn't work we'll treat them like any other pet....."let them know who's the boss"

from silver blue:I don't know Butch, some squirls adapt just fine living with humans and maintain a wild life
My first thought was maybe some humans are little wilder than others or closer to nature or just plain belong in the woods or something like that :D
Ahh, they're cute little buggers. I wish we had some squirrels out here. Only mammal I ever find in trees is rats.
Rum, the only differance it one has a bushy tail:p I had a pet flying squirl for a couple of years untill he got away when I was cleaning his cage.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
I worry about the little guys because they are too friendly. If they happen across a cat, they don't know to be scared.

That's what I was talking about in my first post.

Trust me. They are tame. They will soon be some predator's meal.
We're doing the best we can. We're following some pretty good information from Squirrelworld.com on how to rehab baby squirrel's and return them to the wild.
Would they have been better off if we left them on the ground at the job site? I doubt it!!! Who's to say a cat or some other predator wouldn't make a meal out of them if they were raised in the wild by there mother? As far as I'm concerned their natural instincts are still there and will kick in as needed. I feel good about what we have done and would probably do the same thing next time.

The more you handle them, the less they adapt to the wild.

The less they adapt to the wild, the sooner they become a meal. I don't make the rules.

Hey, I like em. I had a nutty buddy for 12 years. He was cool. He could do a Mr. T imitation.:)