The key is whether the name-brand companies exercise due diligence on quality control wherever the parts are manufactured. If they do, it does not matter where they are manufactured.
Called production oversight and it's one thing that Harbor Freight has become real good at which us the prime reason why the have more than one line of tools and accessories. The cheap stuff like Warrior has no oversight, where as the Icon, Bauer and Chief have strict oversight. if left to their own devices, the Chinese will turn out sub par products and sell them cheap here and in Europe but with strict oversight they can and will produce quality stuff for less than domestic or European manufacturers can because the cost of production is higher than in China. HF and Grizzly do it right. Problem with Grizzly is Balola has gotten greedy which is why I don't buy there offerings. Used to, not any more. Still get their glitzy catalog which I round file now.
I did a while ago buy one one of the Farm Tec saws and it was a turd so I gifted it to one of my buddies. I don't know if he landfilled it or not and don't much care really. It was cheap and exuded cheap. So longa as Echo don't get greedy, I'll stick with them. Both my 590 and my top handle arborist saws are excellent saws with the exception of the clunky kill switch on the 590 and the leaking air filter, easily cured with 2 O rings. Why pay top buck for a Stihl when I don't have to or a Husky for that matter. Besides, the Kubota dealer I work at part time is now an Echo dealer and I can get them at dealer cost if I want another, which I don't. I do get to fiddle with customer's saws however. Echo has an excellent warranty as well. 5 years consumer, 1 year professional and Echo is good about warranty repairs as well. The only thing that I can see that Echo will not warrant (except consumables like spark plugs and bars and chain loops and drive sprockets is a straight gasses saw or one that was run out of bar oil. Other than that, they cover everything so long as the limiter caps are in place and the OEM air filter is there. One thing we have to do first on any warranty claim is... drain the gas tank and see if it was straight gassed and check to see if it has bar oil in it. That is about it and Echo's warranty is entirely based on the saw's serial number and when the selling dealer (or you) register it on their website or mail in the enclosed warranty card.
I will say, other than sharpening chains for customers (which I bring home and do anyway because I have the grinders in the shop here and not there at the dealer), we have had basically no warranty work on any of them so far. Couple straight gassed and no warranty and and a couple with no bar oil in the tank. Other than that, spark plugs and pickup filters because people don't bother to clean the swarf from around the filler caps before refueling.... and most are typically cruddy anyway, kind of like the tractors they bring in for service. I never seen so many filthy tractors in one service shop before. You gotta pressure wash the mud and crud off to get to anything. That and plugged up radiators and the customers complain about overheating...duh. One thing about overheating a diesel tractor, it usually results in collateral damage that the customer has to eat and at 130 bucks an hour plus parts, that adds up real quick. I see some real winners come in, glad I don't fiddle with them very much. My dealer makes a good living repairing owners 'mistakes'.
They all get a kick out of me. If I need shop time on any of my big Kubota's, they go in clean and easy to access. I keep them clean and serviced properly all the time which is why being a 2000 and 2002 pre 4, I never have any issues with them except overhead adjustments which I have done in the shop anyway as it's beyond my capabilities to do. 6000+ and 4500+ hours on them without a hiccup.